PIPE & N PIPE LAKE P&R DISTRICT: Pipe & North Pipe Lakes-Lakeshore & Subwatershed Analysis-#1


Pipe and North Pipe Lakes Protection and Rehabilitation District is sponsoring a two-phase watershed, shoreline, and aquatic plant community assessment, action planning, and implementation project. The final deliverable will be a report containing collected data summaries, aquatic plant and shoreline assessments, nutrient loading and modeling results, public outreach summary and presentations, and an implementation plan that includes preliminary watershed best-management-practice designs, feasibility, and cost estimates/comparisons. The purpose of this project is to determine where and what lake protection activities are needed. Phase 1 includes: 1. Field reconnaissance, photographing, and mapping of tributary, wetland, and erosion areas. 2. Groundtruthing of previous (sub )watershed delineation and refinement of water quanitity (HydroCAD) and quality models (WiLMS, etc.) using collected data and various land use predictions/scenarios. 3. Watershed BMP alternatives analysis and action planning, including estimated costs, funding sources, and schedules for prioritized recommendations. 4. Communications with landowners about easements for potential BMP implementation. 5. Stakeholder meetings and updates. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Coordinator. The Department of Natural Resources will be provided with both a paper and an electronic copy of the final report.

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Reports and Documents
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Grant Awarded
Pipe and North Pipe Lakes Protection and Rehabilitation District is sponsoring a two-phase watershed, shoreline, and aquatic plant community assessment, action planning, and implementation project. The final deliverable will be a report containing collected data summaries, aquatic plant and shoreline assessments, nutrient loading and modeling results, public outreach summary and presentations, and an implementation plan that includes preliminary watershed best-management-practice designs, feasibility, and cost estimates/comparisons. The purpose of this project is to determine where and what lake protection activities are needed.
Watershed Mapping or Assessment
Grant Awarded
Pipe and North Pipe Lakes Protection and Rehabilitation District is sponsoring a two-phase watershed, shoreline, and aquatic plant community assessment, action planning, and implementation project. The final deliverable will be a report containing collected data summaries, aquatic plant and shoreline assessments, nutrient loading and modeling results, public outreach summary and presentations, and an implementation plan that includes preliminary watershed best-management-practice designs, feasibility, and cost estimates/comparisons. The purpose of this project is to determine where and what lake protection activities are needed.
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Watershed Mapping or Assessment
Shoreland Monitoring, Assessment, Inventory
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