POLK COUNTY LWRD: Round & Long Trade Lakes Phase 2-Tributary & Watershed Assessment


Polk County Land and Water Resources Department, in partnership with Burnett County and Round/Trade Lake Improvement Association, is sponsoring a two-phase Trade River watershed assessment project. The final deliverables include project update newsletters and a report containing collected data summaries, TSI calculations, habitat assessments, nutrient loading and modeling results, stakeholder capacity/education, and management recommendations. Phase 2 includes: 1. Monitoring nine tributary sites for nutrients, chlorides, and TSS (monthly) and in-field parameters and flow (bi-weekly). 2. Groundwater reconnaissance of drinking water wells. 3. Groundtruthing of previous watershed delineation and refinement of models (WiLMS or BATHTUB) using collected data and various land use predictions/scenarios. 4. Identification of critical sites within the watershed. This scope is intended to summarize the detailed project scope provided in the application and does not supersede those application tasks/deliverables. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Coordinator. Grantee or consultant will provide DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making final payment to the consultant. DNR shall receive both paper and electronic copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.

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Reports and Documents
Round and Long Trade Lakes Water Quality and Watershed Assessment Report LPL-1174-07 LPL-1173-07 December 16, 2008
Activities & Recommendations
Grant Awarded
Polk County Land and Water Resources Department, in partnership with Burnett County and Round/Trade Lake Improvement Association, is sponsoring a two-phase Trade River watershed assessment project. The final deliverables include project update newsletters and a report containing collected data summaries, TSI calculations, habitat assessments, nutrient loading and modeling results, stakeholder capacity/education, and management recommendations. Phase 2 includes: 1. Monitoring nine tributary sites for nutrients, chlorides, and TSS (monthly) and in-field parameters and flow (bi-weekly). 2. Groundwater reconnaissance of drinking water wells. 3. Groundtruthing of previous watershed delineation and refinement of models (WiLMS or BATHTUB) using collected data and various land use predictions/scenarios. 4. Identification of critical sites within the watershed.
Watershed Mapping or Assessment
Water Quality Modeling
Watershed Mapping or Assessment
Develop/Distribute Newsletter
Grant Awarded
Polk County Land and Water Resources Department, in partnership with Burnett County and Round/Trade Lake Improvement Association, is sponsoring a two-phase Trade River watershed assessment project. The final deliverables include project update newsletters and a report containing collected data summaries, TSI calculations, habitat assessments, nutrient loading and modeling results, stakeholder capacity/education, and management recommendations. Phase 2 includes: 1. Monitoring nine tributary sites for nutrients, chlorides, and TSS (monthly) and in-field parameters and flow (bi-weekly). 2. Groundwater reconnaissance of drinking water wells. 3. Groundtruthing of previous watershed delineation and refinement of models (WiLMS or BATHTUB) using collected data and various land use predictions/scenarios. 4. Identification of critical sites within the watershed.
Grant Awarded
Polk County Land and Water Resources Department, in partnership with Burnett County and Round/Trade Lake Improvement Association, is sponsoring a two-phase Trade River watershed assessment project. The final deliverables include project update newsletters and a report containing collected data summaries, TSI calculations, habitat assessments, nutrient loading and modeling results, stakeholder capacity/education, and management recommendations. Phase 2 includes: 1. Monitoring nine tributary sites for nutrients, chlorides, and TSS (monthly) and in-field parameters and flow (bi-weekly). 2. Groundwater reconnaissance of drinking water wells. 3. Groundtruthing of previous watershed delineation and refinement of models (WiLMS or BATHTUB) using collected data and various land use predictions/scenarios. 4. Identification of critical sites within the watershed.