ENGLISH LAKE MANAGEMENT DISTRICT: ACQ-English Lake "Pluess" Land Aquisition


The English Lake Protection and Rehab District proposes to purchase 9.82 acres of land known as the "Pluess" property. As part of the District's match, they will use proceeds from a bargain sale and the donated value of .33 acre of property known as the "Burns" property.

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Lakes Grant
Lake Protection Grant
Activities & Recommendations
Grant Awarded
The English Lake Protection and Rehab District proposes to purchase 9.82 acres of land known as the "Pluess" property. As part of the District's match, they will use proceeds from a bargain sale and the donated value of .33 acre of property known as the "Burns" property.
Land Acquisition
Grant Awarded
The English Lake Protection and Rehab District proposes to purchase 9.82 acres of land known as the "Pluess" property. As part of the District's match, they will use proceeds from a bargain sale and the donated value of .33 acre of property known as the "Burns" property.
Land Acquisition
The English Lake Protection and Rehab District proposes to purchase 9.82 acres of land known as the "Pluess" property. As part of the District's match, they will use proceeds from a bargain sale and the donated value of .33 acre of property known as the "Burns" property.