TOMAHAWK LAKE ASSOCIATION: Tomahawk Lake 2019 AIS Monitoring, Mapping & Planning Grant


Activities: Tomahawk Lake Association, Inc is sponsoring an AEPP grant to continue Eurasian Water Milfoil (EWM) monitoring (2019) in order to to identify high density EWM areas and to develop and track an appropriate EWM DASH strategy. This is a one year project that will focus on EWM monitoring and mapping. Project activities include: 1) Hire an AIS Coordinator; 2) Annual volunteer training (CBCW, purple loosestrife biocontrol, and EWM sentinel monitoring) and monitoring; 3) Pre/post EWM treatment monitoring and analysis \2013 including up to three point-intercept surveys of high density EWM areas; 3) Purple loosestrife (PL) monitoring and mapping; 4) Develop quarterly reports and final project report. Project deliverables include: 1) AIS coordinator; 2) 16 sentinel volunteer EWM monitoring datasets; 3) Pre/post treatment point-intercept survey data and maps; 3) CBCW data entry into SWIMS; 4) Quarterly and final reports summarizing EWM and PL monitoring and management and providing future management suggestions. Specific project conditions: Final report needs Dept review and approval. WDNR Lake Biologist will be provided with an electronic (pdf or word) copy of final report, survey data (includes: pre/post PI data and PL), and all maps and GIS from the project.

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Grant AEPP57719 awarded