Lost Lake P&R District will sponsor an ACEI grant on Lost Lake in Vilas County, to be completed by December 2021. This will focus on the control of Curly Leaf Pondweed.
Project activities:
1. Pre-treatment and late-season plant surveys
2. Herbicide concentration monitoring in 2019 and 2020
3. Chemical control of CLP using endothall for herbicide spot treatments
4. Sub-point intercept survey in 2019, and full point intercept in 2020
Project deliverables include:
1. Annual AIS monitoring and control strategy reports
2. Point Intercept and CLP Mapping Surveys
3. Herbicide concentration results
4. Final report summarizing AIS management, and future AIS monitoring and management suggestions
Specific project conditions:
Final report needs Dept review and approval
WDNR Lakes Management Coordinator will be provided with an electronic (pdf or word) copy of final report, survey data (includes PL), and all maps and GIS from the project.
Related Reports
Run Project Summary ReportView Umbrella-ProjectsView Related-ProjectsAquatic Invasives Grant
Aquatic Invasives Control
Monitoring and Control Assessment Report Lost Lake Vilas Co 1593400.
Grant Awarded
Grant ACEI22919 awarded