COLUMBIA COUNTY: Lazy Lake Mgmt Plan Development


Columbia County proposes to develop a lake management plan for Lazy Lake. The plan will be created with significant public input, and contain feasible objectives and goals. The final report will be submitted on paper and electronic copies, and include all raw data. Project results will be shared via public meetings, with a final presentation upon completion of project. The following is a complete list of deliverables: A1) Completes a comprehensive lake management plan. A2) Identifies and prioritizes lake management needs and sets goals. A3) Provides specific lake water quality management objectives (resource desired conditions in TSI). A4) Provides specific objectives for watershed or land use management (identify critical sites). A5) Provides specific management objectives for fish habitat. A6) Provides a specific sociological management objective (education). B2) Develops a comprehensive assessment of fish, aquatic life or wildlife habitat with management recommendations (shoreland restoration plan). B3) Information will be used in development of a shoreland restoration and protection program. C3) Inventory and review in detail the adequacy of institutional programs effecting lake quality. C4) Develops a comprehensive assessment and management strategy for watershed pollution source(s). Partition actual load(s) by subwatershed or source(s),conducts a loading reduction feasibility analysis and creates a nutrient or stormwater management plan that recommends BMPs, ordinances, etc. D1) Secchi monitoring will be conducted and reported. E1) Project completes a planning effort including a strategy (who, what, when) for implementation. E2) Project will provide design information (technical specifications) for specific management project implementation.

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Lakes Grant
Large Scale Lake Planning
Reports and Documents
Lazy Lake is considered euthrophic; historically the lake has produced very dense stands of aquatic macrophytes. Ultimately the abundant plant community and the desired management thereof was the catalyst for the Lazy Lake Management District creation in 1979. The purchase of their first of two plant harvesters was in 1991 providing the base for Lake management for two decades. As the Lazy Lake Management District looks into the future they strive to provide science based management not only for their plant community but toward their lake ecosystem and for the watershed itself.
Activities & Recommendations
Grant Awarded
Columbia County proposes to develop a lake management plan for Lazy Lake. The plan will be created with significant public input, and contain feasible objectives and goals. The final report will be submitted on paper and electronic copies, and include all raw data. Project results will be shared via public meetings, with a final presentation upon completion of project. The following is a complete list of deliverables: A1) Completes a comprehensive lake management plan. A2) Identifies and prioritizes lake management needs and sets goals. A3) Provides specific lake water quality management objectives (resource desired conditions in TSI). A4) Provides specific objectives for watershed or land use management (identify critical sites). A5) Provides specific management objectives for fish habitat. A6) Provides a specific sociological management objective (education). B2) Develops a comprehensive assessment of fish, aquatic life or wildlife habitat with management recommendations (shoreland restoration plan). B3) Information will be used in development of a shoreland restoration and protection program. C3) Inventory and review in detail the adequacy of institutional programs effecting lake quality. C4) Develops a comprehensive assessment and management strategy for watershed pollution source(s). Partition actual load(s) by subwatershed or source(s),conducts a loading reduction feasibility analysis and creates a nutrient or stormwater management plan that recommends BMPs, ordinances, etc. D1) Secchi monitoring will be conducted and reported. E1) Project completes a planning effort including a strategy (who, what, when) for implementation. E2) Project will provide design information (technical specifications) for specific management project implementation.
Habitat Restoration - Shoreland
Shoreland Restoration
Lake Management Plan Development