LAKE NANCY PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION, INC.: Nancy Lake APM Plan & Nancy/Kimball Boat Monitoring Project


The Nancy Lake Protective Assoc. is sponsoring an AIS prevention & education project in partnership with the Kimball Lake Assoc. which includes inspection of boats at public landings utilizing paid inspectors & volunteers trained in previous years; information brochures will be mailed to lake residents; maintaining AIS educational materials at the landing information kiosk and hiring a consultant to perform an aquatic plant survey and develop an aquatic plant management plan. Activities include: Boat inspections beginning on Memorial Day and running through Labor Day. Aquatic Plant Survey & development on an Aquatic Plant Management Plan. Deliverables include a comprehensive report including: 1) Summary of project accomplishments including sign construction and watercraft inspection report detailing time and number of people reached; 2) Copy of brochures & educational materials sent in mailings and used at kiosks; 3) Watercraft inspection report including time & number of people reached; CB/CW survey results with results entered into the CB/CW database; 4) Aquatic plant survey results including maps; 5) Aquatic Plant Management Plan that integrates watershed, water quality, and fisheries components; 6) AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant. Special conditions: The DNR shall be notified immediately a new aquatic invasive species infestation is found. WDNR's Aquatic Plant Management in Wisconsin guidance should be followed for point-intercept survey monitoring and aquatic plant management plan development, This scope summarizes the scope provided in the grant application and does not supersede the application specifics. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Coordinator. If consultant is to provide final report, the DNR Lake Coordinator should be provided with a draft prior to making final payment to the consultant.

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Aquatic Invasives Grant
Aquatic Invasives Education
Reports and Documents
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Grant Awarded
AEPP-114-08Nancy Lake APM Plan & Nancy/Kimball Boat Monitoring Project
Grant Awarded
Watercraft Inspections Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Develop/Distribute Brochures/Literature
Train Volunteers
Aquatic Plant Management Plan
Aquatic Plant Monitoring or Survey