RIVER REVITALIZATION FOUNDATION: River Revitalization Southbranch Creek Restoration


Partner with Village of Brown Deer, Milwaukee County, We Energies, WI DOT and WDNR with assistance from a costal grant to restore wetlands, improve flood storage, stabilize 500 feet of creek bed and bank erosion. Continue funding for public outreach staff person to assist with volunteer building and conducting habitat restoration. This project would include: 1) Restoration of 500' of Southbranch Creek. 2) Funding to continue Public Outreach staff employment. 3) Coordinate public outreach, train supervisor and direct hands-on habitat management using volunteers and business community. 4) Public education, field trips, and hands-on restoration. 5) Train volunteers in methods of water quality monitoring and provide educational workshops. 6) Build network of community businesses and organizations to raise contributions and engage volunteers. A final report incorporating all of the project deliverables will be provided. The Department will require 2 hard copies and one electronic version of the report.

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River Grant
River Planning Grant
Activities & Recommendations
Grant Awarded
Partner with Village of Brown Deer, Milwaukee County, We Energies, WI DOT and WDNR with assistance from a costal grant to restore wetlands, improve flood storage, stabilize 500 feet of creek bed and bank erosion. Continue funding for public outreach staff person to assist with volunteer building and conducting habitat restoration. This project would include: 1) Restoration of 500' of Southbranch Creek. 2) Funding to continue Public Outreach staff employment. 3) Coordinate public outreach, train supervisor and direct hands-on habitat management using volunteers and business community. 4) Public education, field trips, and hands-on restoration. 5) Train volunteers in methods of water quality monitoring and provide educational workshops. 6) Build network of community businesses and organizations to raise contributions and engage volunteers. A final report incorporating all of the project deliverables will be provided.
Rivers Planning Grant
Partner with Village of Brown Deer, Milwaukee County, We Energies, WI DOT and WDNR with assistance from a costal grant to restore wetlands, improve flood storage, stabilize 500 feet of creek bed and bank erosion. Continue funding for public outreach staff person to assist with volunteer building and conducting habitat restoration. This project would include: 1) Restoration of 500' of Southbranch Creek. 2) Funding to continue Public Outreach staff employment. 3) Coordinate public outreach, train supervisor and direct hands-on habitat management using volunteers and business community. 4) Public education, field trips, and hands-on restoration. 5) Train volunteers in methods of water quality monitoring and provide educational workshops. 6) Build network of community businesses and organizations to raise contributions and engage volunteers. A final report incorporating all of the project deliverables will be provided.
Hire Local Aquatic Invasives Coordinator
Partner with Village of Brown Deer, Milwaukee County, We Energies, WI DOT and WDNR with assistance from a costal grant to restore wetlands, improve flood storage, stabilize 500 feet of creek bed and bank erosion. Continue funding for public outreach staff person to assist with volunteer building and conducting habitat restoration. This project would include: 1) Restoration of 500' of Southbranch Creek. 2) Funding to continue Public Outreach staff employment. 3) Coordinate public outreach, train supervisor and direct hands-on habitat management using volunteers and business community. 4) Public education, field trips, and hands-on restoration. 5) Train volunteers in methods of water quality monitoring and provide educational workshops. 6) Build network of community businesses and organizations to raise contributions and engage volunteers. A final report incorporating all of the project deliverables will be provided.
Habitat Restoration - Instream
Partner with Village of Brown Deer, Milwaukee County, We Energies, WI DOT and WDNR with assistance from a costal grant to restore wetlands, improve flood storage, stabilize 500 feet of creek bed and bank erosion. Continue funding for public outreach staff person to assist with volunteer building and conducting habitat restoration. This project would include: 1) Restoration of 500' of Southbranch Creek. 2) Funding to continue Public Outreach staff employment. 3) Coordinate public outreach, train supervisor and direct hands-on habitat management using volunteers and business community. 4) Public education, field trips, and hands-on restoration. 5) Train volunteers in methods of water quality monitoring and provide educational workshops. 6) Build network of community businesses and organizations to raise contributions and engage volunteers. A final report incorporating all of the project deliverables will be provided.
Control Streambank Erosion
Partner with Village of Brown Deer, Milwaukee County, We Energies, WI DOT and WDNR with assistance from a costal grant to restore wetlands, improve flood storage, stabilize 500 feet of creek bed and bank erosion. Continue funding for public outreach staff person to assist with volunteer building and conducting habitat restoration. This project would include: 1) Restoration of 500' of Southbranch Creek. 2) Funding to continue Public Outreach staff employment. 3) Coordinate public outreach, train supervisor and direct hands-on habitat management using volunteers and business community. 4) Public education, field trips, and hands-on restoration. 5) Train volunteers in methods of water quality monitoring and provide educational workshops. 6) Build network of community businesses and organizations to raise contributions and engage volunteers. A final report incorporating all of the project deliverables will be provided.
Information and Education
Partner with Village of Brown Deer, Milwaukee County, We Energies, WI DOT and WDNR with assistance from a costal grant to restore wetlands, improve flood storage, stabilize 500 feet of creek bed and bank erosion. Continue funding for public outreach staff person to assist with volunteer building and conducting habitat restoration. This project would include: 1) Restoration of 500' of Southbranch Creek. 2) Funding to continue Public Outreach staff employment. 3) Coordinate public outreach, train supervisor and direct hands-on habitat management using volunteers and business community. 4) Public education, field trips, and hands-on restoration. 5) Train volunteers in methods of water quality monitoring and provide educational workshops. 6) Build network of community businesses and organizations to raise contributions and engage volunteers. A final report incorporating all of the project deliverables will be provided.
Hold Workshops
Partner with Village of Brown Deer, Milwaukee County, We Energies, WI DOT and WDNR with assistance from a costal grant to restore wetlands, improve flood storage, stabilize 500 feet of creek bed and bank erosion. Continue funding for public outreach staff person to assist with volunteer building and conducting habitat restoration. This project would include: 1) Restoration of 500' of Southbranch Creek. 2) Funding to continue Public Outreach staff employment. 3) Coordinate public outreach, train supervisor and direct hands-on habitat management using volunteers and business community. 4) Public education, field trips, and hands-on restoration. 5) Train volunteers in methods of water quality monitoring and provide educational workshops. 6) Build network of community businesses and organizations to raise contributions and engage volunteers. A final report incorporating all of the project deliverables will be provided.
Train Volunteers
Partner with Village of Brown Deer, Milwaukee County, We Energies, WI DOT and WDNR with assistance from a costal grant to restore wetlands, improve flood storage, stabilize 500 feet of creek bed and bank erosion. Continue funding for public outreach staff person to assist with volunteer building and conducting habitat restoration. This project would include: 1) Restoration of 500' of Southbranch Creek. 2) Funding to continue Public Outreach staff employment. 3) Coordinate public outreach, train supervisor and direct hands-on habitat management using volunteers and business community. 4) Public education, field trips, and hands-on restoration. 5) Train volunteers in methods of water quality monitoring and provide educational workshops. 6) Build network of community businesses and organizations to raise contributions and engage volunteers. A final report incorporating all of the project deliverables will be provided.
Monitor Water Quality or Sediment
Partner with Village of Brown Deer, Milwaukee County, We Energies, WI DOT and WDNR with assistance from a costal grant to restore wetlands, improve flood storage, stabilize 500 feet of creek bed and bank erosion. Continue funding for public outreach staff person to assist with volunteer building and conducting habitat restoration. This project would include: 1) Restoration of 500' of Southbranch Creek. 2) Funding to continue Public Outreach staff employment. 3) Coordinate public outreach, train supervisor and direct hands-on habitat management using volunteers and business community. 4) Public education, field trips, and hands-on restoration. 5) Train volunteers in methods of water quality monitoring and provide educational workshops. 6) Build network of community businesses and organizations to raise contributions and engage volunteers. A final report incorporating all of the project deliverables will be provided.
Project Deliverable
A final report incorporating all of the project deliverables will be provided.
Engage Volunteers in Monitoring/Restoration
Partner with Village of Brown Deer, Milwaukee County, We Energies, WI DOT and WDNR with assistance from a costal grant to restore wetlands, improve flood storage, stabilize 500 feet of creek bed and bank erosion. Continue funding for public outreach staff person to assist with volunteer building and conducting habitat restoration. This project would include: 1) Restoration of 500' of Southbranch Creek. 2) Funding to continue Public Outreach staff employment. 3) Coordinate public outreach, train supervisor and direct hands-on habitat management using volunteers and business community. 4) Public education, field trips, and hands-on restoration. 5) Train volunteers in methods of water quality monitoring and provide educational workshops. 6) Build network of community businesses and organizations to raise contributions and engage volunteers. A final report incorporating all of the project deliverables will be provided.