GROUNDWORK MILWAUKEE, INC.: Building Connections to the KK River


Increase stewardship for the KK River by engaging diverse stakeholders: increase direct access to the KK. Receive community input and buy-in for the design of trailheads and amenities. This project will promote individual stewardship and involve community based organizations, residents and school in initiatives to restore, enhance and protect the KK river watershed. Tangible results will include construction for five trail heads in conjunction with the City of Milwaukee. With the external groups engagement it will assist in determining the planning process to identify themes and a how long term development of the trail corridor will help transform the KK river and neighborhoods that the river travels through. This project would include: 1) Assemble partnership team to develop structure for workshops and recruiting strategy. 2) Identify and recruit business owners and community based organizations 3) Hold interactive workshops for students, residents and business for interpretation at trail heads 4) Landscape architect translates outcomes of workshops and develops concept designs 5) Additional workshops for feedback 6) After final public input, develop final construction documents with specification for bidding and cost estimates. A final report incorporating all of the project deliverable will be provided. The Department will require 2 hard copies and one electronic version of the report.

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River Grant
River Planning Grant
Activities & Recommendations
Grant Awarded
Increase stewardship for the KK River by engaging diverse stakeholders: increase direct access to the KK. Receive community input and buy-in for the design of trailheads and amenities. This project will promote individual stewardship and involve community based organizations, residents and school in initiatives to restore, enhance and protect the KK river watershed. Tangible results will include construction for five trail heads in conjunction with the City of Milwaukee. With the external groups engagement it will assist in determining the planning process to identify themes and a how long term development of the trail corridor will help transform the KK river and neighborhoods that the river travels through. This project would include: 1) Assemble partnership team to develop structure for workshops and recruiting strategy. 2) Identify and recruit business owners and community based organizations 3) Hold interactive workshops for students, residents and business for interpretation at trail heads 4) Landscape architect translates outcomes of workshops and develops concept designs 5) Additional workshops for feedback 6) After final public input, develop final construction documents with specification for bidding and cost estimates. A final report incorporating all of the project deliverable will be provided.
Rivers Planning Grant
Increase stewardship for the KK River by engaging diverse stakeholders: increase direct access to the KK. Receive community input and buy-in for the design of trailheads and amenities. This project will promote individual stewardship and involve community based organizations, residents and school in initiatives to restore, enhance and protect the KK river watershed. Tangible results will include construction for five trail heads in conjunction with the City of Milwaukee. With the external groups engagement it will assist in determining the planning process to identify themes and a how long term development of the trail corridor will help transform the KK river and neighborhoods that the river travels through. This project would include: 1) Assemble partnership team to develop structure for workshops and recruiting strategy. 2) Identify and recruit business owners and community based organizations 3) Hold interactive workshops for students, residents and business for interpretation at trail heads 4) Landscape architect translates outcomes of workshops and develops concept designs 5) Additional workshops for feedback 6) After final public input, develop final construction documents with specification for bidding and cost estimates. A final report incorporating all of the project deliverable will be provided.
Information and Education
Increase stewardship for the KK River by engaging diverse stakeholders: increase direct access to the KK. Receive community input and buy-in for the design of trailheads and amenities. This project will promote individual stewardship and involve community based organizations, residents and school in initiatives to restore, enhance and protect the KK river watershed. Tangible results will include construction for five trail heads in conjunction with the City of Milwaukee. With the external groups engagement it will assist in determining the planning process to identify themes and a how long term development of the trail corridor will help transform the KK river and neighborhoods that the river travels through. This project would include: 1) Assemble partnership team to develop structure for workshops and recruiting strategy. 2) Identify and recruit business owners and community based organizations 3) Hold interactive workshops for students, residents and business for interpretation at trail heads 4) Landscape architect translates outcomes of workshops and develops concept designs 5) Additional workshops for feedback 6) After final public input, develop final construction documents with specification for bidding and cost estimates. A final report incorporating all of the project deliverable will be provided.
Hold Workshops
Increase stewardship for the KK River by engaging diverse stakeholders: increase direct access to the KK. Receive community input and buy-in for the design of trailheads and amenities. This project will promote individual stewardship and involve community based organizations, residents and school in initiatives to restore, enhance and protect the KK river watershed. Tangible results will include construction for five trail heads in conjunction with the City of Milwaukee. With the external groups engagement it will assist in determining the planning process to identify themes and a how long term development of the trail corridor will help transform the KK river and neighborhoods that the river travels through. This project would include: 1) Assemble partnership team to develop structure for workshops and recruiting strategy. 2) Identify and recruit business owners and community based organizations 3) Hold interactive workshops for students, residents and business for interpretation at trail heads 4) Landscape architect translates outcomes of workshops and develops concept designs 5) Additional workshops for feedback 6) After final public input, develop final construction documents with specification for bidding and cost estimates. A final report incorporating all of the project deliverable will be provided.
Install Kiosk or Sign
Increase stewardship for the KK River by engaging diverse stakeholders: increase direct access to the KK. Receive community input and buy-in for the design of trailheads and amenities. This project will promote individual stewardship and involve community based organizations, residents and school in initiatives to restore, enhance and protect the KK river watershed. Tangible results will include construction for five trail heads in conjunction with the City of Milwaukee. With the external groups engagement it will assist in determining the planning process to identify themes and a how long term development of the trail corridor will help transform the KK river and neighborhoods that the river travels through. This project would include: 1) Assemble partnership team to develop structure for workshops and recruiting strategy. 2) Identify and recruit business owners and community based organizations 3) Hold interactive workshops for students, residents and business for interpretation at trail heads 4) Landscape architect translates outcomes of workshops and develops concept designs 5) Additional workshops for feedback 6) After final public input, develop final construction documents with specification for bidding and cost estimates. A final report incorporating all of the project deliverable will be provided.
Project Deliverable
A final report incorporating all of the project deliverable will be provided.
Watershed Mapping or Assessment
Increase stewardship for the KK River by engaging diverse stakeholders: increase direct access to the KK. Receive community input and buy-in for the design of trailheads and amenities. This project will promote individual stewardship and involve community based organizations, residents and school in initiatives to restore, enhance and protect the KK river watershed. Tangible results will include construction for five trail heads in conjunction with the City of Milwaukee. With the external groups engagement it will assist in determining the planning process to identify themes and a how long term development of the trail corridor will help transform the KK river and neighborhoods that the river travels through. This project would include: 1) Assemble partnership team to develop structure for workshops and recruiting strategy. 2) Identify and recruit business owners and community based organizations 3) Hold interactive workshops for students, residents and business for interpretation at trail heads 4) Landscape architect translates outcomes of workshops and develops concept designs 5) Additional workshops for feedback 6) After final public input, develop final construction documents with specification for bidding and cost estimates. A final report incorporating all of the project deliverable will be provided.