Lakes Grant
Large Scale Lake Planning
Water Quality Modeling
Grant Awarded
The Elkhart Lake Improvement Association will hire a contractor and will also utilize volunteers to refine their groundwater model. Surface water and groundwater data will be collected. This project will provide direct measurement of a significant component of the lake water budget. This grant is directly linked to a small scale grant. The project deliverable will be a report containing the following elements: 1)Data collected at the outlet of Elkhart Lake. A data logger will be installed at point of discharge from Elkhart Lake. The data will be downloaded periodically by volunteers. 2)Information regarding the installation of three new drive point monitoring wells. 3)Information regarding how the volunteers were trained by the consultant. 4)Results of groundwater elevation monitoring by volunteers. A weekly groundwater measurement will be completed by volunteers with periodic downloads from data logger.
The Grantee must provide a draft copy of the report to Heidi Bunk (DNR lakes biologist). This grant pays for the monitoring well installation, installation of a doppler/pressure transducer unit at the outlet and training of the volunteers. Two paper copies and one electronic .pdf copy of the final report must be submitted to the DNR prior to the submission of the grantee's final payment request.