CLOVER LEAF LAKES PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION: Cloverleaf Lakes Shoreland Restoration Plan Ph 1


The Cloverleaf Lakes Protective Assn proposes to develop a shoreland restoration plan. Phase 1 of this plan will consist of the following: Develp designs for sites; Design restorations and employ at 8 Cloverleaf lake sites; Conduct Emergent plant survey (species present, % coverage, GPS mapping, water depth, wave energy potential, soil profile); and Summarize and report activities and results.

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Reports and Documents
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Cloverleaf Lakes Shoreland Restoration Demonstration Project
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Activities & Recommendations
Habitat Restoration - Shoreland
Grant Awarded
The Cloverleaf Lakes Protective Assn proposes to develop a shoreland restoration plan. Phase 1 of this plan will consist of the following: Develp designs for sites; Design restorations and employ at 8 Cloverleaf lake sites; Conduct Emergent plant survey (species present, % coverage, GPS mapping, water depth, wave energy potential, soil profile); and Summarize and report activities and results.
Grant Awarded
The Cloverleaf Lakes Protective Assn proposes to develop a shoreland restoration plan. Phase 1 of this plan will consist of the following: Develp designs for sites; Design restorations and employ at 8 Cloverleaf lake sites; Conduct Emergent plant survey (species present, % coverage, GPS mapping, water depth, wave energy potential, soil profile); and Summarize and report activities and results.
Grant Awarded
The Cloverleaf Lakes Protective Assn proposes to develop a shoreland restoration plan. Phase 1 of this plan will consist of the following: Develp designs for sites; Design restorations and employ at 8 Cloverleaf lake sites; Conduct Emergent plant survey (species present, % coverage, GPS mapping, water depth, wave energy potential, soil profile); and Summarize and report activities and results.
Habitat Restoration - Shoreland
Shoreland Restoration