THE PRAIRIE ENTHUSIASTS, INC.: Shea-Mueller Wetland Phase 2 Planning


The Prairie Enthusiasts is sponsoring a project to plan for wetland restoration near the Williams-Barneveld Creek in Iowa County. Specific project activities include: 1) dig trenches along 3 fields to obtain soil profile data in order to determine the amount of post-settlement alluvium that has been deposited at the site, 2) model the data to create a plan for sediment removal. Project final deliverables include: 1) a final report including raw data collected in a format acceptable to the department, model results of post-settlement sediment deposits, and a plans for sediment removal, erosion control, live planting and native seeding. This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Biologist. If consultant is to provide final report, it is recommended that Grantee provide DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making final payment to the consultant. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request

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River Grant
River Planning Grant
Reports and Documents
The Prairie Enthusiasts (TPE) seeks continuation of the sediment removal and restoration\r\nproject completed in 2012 on their Shea-Mueller site in Iowa County, Wi. As part of this surface water planning grant TPE investigated these fields to determine depth and quantity of post-settlement sediment layered above the native wetland soils.
Activities & Recommendations
Grant Awarded
Grant RP35121 awarded