RIVER ALLIANCE OF WISCONSIN: Assessment of AIS Threats to WI Waters


The River Alliance of Wisconsin proposes to assess potential threats to rivers in Wisconsin by various invasive species of concern, examine the potential roles for the public to work on these species, guide groups on education and control strategies, and develop a monitoring program for river organizations. The project activities include: 1. Develop maps of areas of concern and overlapping groups for four target species, 2. hold a workshop for education and networking, 3. develop volunteer monitoring protocols and train at least 4 groups, who will collect data on presence of invasive species. Deliverables for this grant include 1. Updated map of key species and groups, 2. hold a workshop, 3. one publication about riparian invasive species, 4. training of at least 4 groups, 5. raw data these groups collected, 6. Final report summarizing all. The DNR will be provided with both a paper copy and an editable electronic copy of the final report. The project results will be disseminated to the public by internet, RAW newsletters and possible presentations at conferences/meetings.

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Aquatic Invasives Grant
Aquatic Invasives Education
Reports and Documents
Activities & Recommendations
Grant Awarded
Map Invasive Species
Hold Workshops
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Project Deliverable
. Updated map of key species and groups, 2. hold a workshop, 3. one publication about riparian invasive species, 4. training of at least 4 groups, 5. raw data these groups collected, 6. Final report summarizing all.