DOUGLAS COUNTY: Brule River Yellow Flag Iris EDRR Project


Douglas County aims to map and manage populations of Yellow Flag Iris within the upper reach of the Bois Brule River. This will include Early Detection surveys following DNR protocols, selective chemical and manual removal treatment, and generation of maps. Deliverables include: Results of this project will be a control summary, including herbicide and manual removal treatment records, survey results, and creation of maps within the project boundaries. Special Condition: Locational data should be entered into SWIMS. The specific objectives, metrics, and deliverables for the listed activities are included in the application and supporting materials, and this scope is not intended to replace or supersede those documents. If consultant is to provide final report, it is recommended that Grantee provide DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making final payment to the consultant. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request

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Reports and Documents
After manually digging out Yellow Iris plants and all rhizomes with surrounding soil, plants are placed above the high water mark on fallen trees or brush to desiccate in-situ. This photo shows successful desiccation and death of plants that have been drying for about one month.
Douglas County volunteers preparing to assist with manual control of Yellow Flag Iris as part of the Brule River YFI EDRR Project. June 15, 2022.
Local volunteer Reed Schwarting assists Douglas County AIS Specialist Zach Stewart in manual control of Yellow Flag Iris on the Bois Brule River in Douglas County. October 2022.
More YFI rhizomes dug out during manual control Sep 2022.
After manually digging out Yellow Iris plants and all rhizomes with surrounding soil, plants are placed above the high water mark on fallen trees or brush to desiccate in-situ. This photo shows successful desiccation and death of plants that have been drying for about one month.
A large Yellow Iris cluster on the Brule River in our EDRR project area. Hat for scale. Sep 2022
Douglas County staff Zach Stewart holds a large YFI rhizome dug up during manual control of YFI on the Bois Brule. These rhizomes have a distinctive pink color on the inside. Sep 2022.
Douglas County staff Zach Stewart with large Yellow Iris Rhizome dug up during manual control of Yellow Iris on the Brule River in Sep. 2022.
Local volunteer Will F. helps Zach with manual control efforts near Camp road on the Brule River.
Douglas County AIS Specialist Zach Stewart with volunteers assisting manual control of Yellow Flag Iris as part of the Brule River YFI EDRR Project. Aug 2022.
AIS Specialist holding up a "trophy" Yellow Iris while conducting manual control work on the Brule River.
Local landowners help AIS Specialist Zach Stewart remove Yellow Flag Iris from private property along the Bois Brule.
Yellow Flag Iris plants after manual digging are lined up on a deadfall log for in-situ desiccation, which kills the vegetation and rhizome.
Volunteers assist with manual control of yellow iris on private property along the Brule River. About 8 canoe loads of this size were removed this day.
Douglas County AIS Specialist Zach Stewart marks Yellow Flag Iris for manual control as part of the Brule River YFI EDRR Project. June 15, 2022.
Douglas County AIS Specialist Zach Stewart directs volunteers assisting manual control of Yellow Flag Iris as part of the Brule River YFI EDRR Project. June 15, 2022.
A powerpoint presentation detailing mapping, surveillance, plans and preliminary control work on the Brule River Yellow Flag Iris EDRR project. Dating from March 2022.
Yellow Iris flowering during initial mapping of the 35km long project area conducted during 2021.
AIS Specialist Zach Stewart maps YFI locations in project area June 2021.
Initial monitoring and mapping of the 35km project area for Yellow Iris with TNC staff Steph Judge.
AIS Specialist Zach Stewart mapping YFI locations in project area June 2021.
Activities & Recommendations
Grant Awarded
Grant AIRR27322 awarded