Lakes Grant
Large Scale Lake Planning
Comprehensive Planning Studies
Lake Management Plan Development
Grant Awarded
Lake Wapogasset & Bear Trap Sanitary District is sponsoring a two-phase project to develop a comprehensive lake management plan. Previous studies and plans did not include water quality goals or an implementation strategy. This grant is for funding Phase 2 of the two-phased project.
Phase 2 includes: watershed assessment with boundary delineation/digitization and loading estimates; land use update; shoreland habitat assessment and shoreline restoration program strategy; water quality goal development; integration of public participation and planning to develop specific management recommendations and responsibilities. Phase 2 also includes information, education, and outreach activities (e.g. meetings, newsletters, web updates).
The final deliverables for this project will be a comprehensive lake management plan with specific management recommendations; spreadsheets, summaries, etc. of collected data; user survey results; and watershed maps.
Watershed Mapping or Assessment
Watershed Mapping or Assessment
Shoreland Monitoring, Assessment, Inventory
Shoreland Monitoring, Assessment or Inventory