BALSAM LAKE P & R DISTRICT: Balsam Lake Water Quality & Precipitation Monitoring, Phase 1 Inflow Monitoring


Balsam Lake P & R District is sponsoring a two-phase project to monitor tributary (Phase 1) and in-lake (Phase 2) water quality and precipitation. The data collected will be used in future phases to develop nutrient and water budgets and a lake management report. Deliverables for phase 1 include: tributary monitoring summary, spreadsheets and any maps created. Special Conditions: CLMN efforts should not be duplicated, and these data should be included in the trends analysis and final reporting. This scope is intended to summarize the detailed project scope provided in the application and does not supersede those application tasks/deliverables. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Coordinator.

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Balsam Lake P & R District is sponsoring a two-phase project to monitor tributary (Phase 1) and in-lake (Phase 2) water quality and precipitation. The data collected will be used in future phases to develop nutrient and water budgets and a lake management report. Deliverables for phase 1 include: tributary monitoring summary, spreadsheets and any maps created. Special Conditions: CLMN efforts should not be duplicated, and these data should be included in the trends analysis and final reporting. This scope is intended to summarize the detailed project scope provided in the application and does not supersede those application tasks/deliverables. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Coordinator.