Water Quality Planning
Targeted Watershed Plans
SP03 Draft Watershed Plan
SP03 Goals and Priorities Image
SP03 watershed mIBI report generated in WATERS
Watershed at a Glance
2004, 2007-08 Fish survey data from SP03 waters.
Monitor Watershed (Status,Sources,Impairments)
Lower East Branch Pecatonica Watershed assessment (surveyed in 07/08). UWSP will develop a SWAT watershed model for the Mill Creek watershed located in Central Wisconsin. Mill Creek is on the state 303d list of impaired waters for excessive nutrients and DO problems. The SWAT and Snap-Plus models will be used to link land use in the watershed to water quality in the stream. The model will be developed using land use and water quality monitoring data to provide citizens and agencies necessary information to develop a TMDL.
Water Quality Planning