DEER LAKE DISTRICT: COMP - Deer Lake Comprehensive Management Plan Update


Project Scope and Description of Deliverables Deer Lake District (DLD) is sponsoring a project which will focus on updating the Lake Management Plan (LMP) for Deer Lake. Project final deliverables include: 1) Data from water quality monitoring, watershed assessment and modeling, paleocore analysis, stakeholder survey, shoreland and littoral habitat surveys and aquatic plant surveys; 2) Four management planning meetings; 3) Annual reports and; 4) Updated LMP. Specific project activities include: 1) Sample lake water quality; 2) Identify watershed boundaries and land cover for the watershed; 3) Complete nutrient loading models of the lake; 4) Collect and analyze a lake sediment paleocore; 5) Conduct a sociological survey of lake shoreline residents; 6) Conduct shoreland and littoral habitat surveys (following DNR protocol); 7) Conduct aquatic plant point intercept, plant community mapping, and early and late season AIS surveys (for CLP and EWM); 8) Gather and assess existing lake information; and 9) Develop an updated comprehensive lake management plan (LMP). Special Conditions: 1) Draft stakeholder survey to be submitted to DNR for review/approval before going to public; 2) Water hardness sample should be collected between July 15-Sept 15 to follow DNR LTT protocol. Water hardness can also be collected at spring overturn if desired; 3) DNR Lake Biologist will be provided with a copy of reports and/or management plans; data from stakeholder survey, water quality, watershed assessment, shoreland habitat (including parcel photos) and aquatic plant surveys; all maps and GIS data; and 4) DNR Lake Biologist will be invited to management planning meetings. This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Biologist.

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Large Scale Lake Planning
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Grant LPL183122 awarded