Lakes Grant
Large Scale Lake Planning
Pike Lake Chain of Lakes (Price and Vilas Counties) aquatic plant surveys in 2010, prepared for the Pike Lake Chain Lakes Association, Inc., by Blue Water Science. Includes photos, tables, maps, graphs, and charts.
Pike Lake Chain of Lakes (Price and Vilas Counties) lake management plan, sponsored by Pike Lake Chain of Lakes Association, Inc., prepared by Blue Water Science. Includes photos, maps, tables, diagrams, graphs, and a technical appendix.
Pike Lake Chain of Lakes (Price and Vilas Counties) lake management study report, sponsored by Pike Lake Chain Lakes Association, Inc., prepared by Blue Water Science. Includes maps, graphs, photos, and tables.
Pike Lake Chain of Lakes (Price and Vilas Counties) aquatic invasive species assessment, prepared for the Pike lake Chain of Lakes Association, Inc., by Blue Water Science. Includes photos, tables, diagrams, and maps.
Using lake sediment surveys to evaluate growth potential of curlyleaf pondweed and Eurasian watermilfoil and sediment phosphorus release in the Pike Lake Chain (Price and Vilas Counties), prepared for the Pike Lake Chain Lakes Association, Inc., by Blue Water Science. Includes maps, photos, tables, and charts.
Lake Management Plan Development
Grant Awarded
The Pike Lake Chain Lakes Association will update the Lake Management Plan for Pike and Turner Lakes. The original plan was completed tin 2003.
The project includes the following goals: 1) Characterize and interpret existing lake conditions; 2) Update and review the aquatic plant community (point intercept plant surveys) and lake water quality status; 3) Prepare an aquatic invasive species assessment; 4) Updated comprehensive lake management plan.
Grant Awarded
The Pike Lake Chain Lakes Association will update the Lake Management Plan for Pike and Turner Lakes. The original plan was completed tin 2003.
The project includes the following goals: 1) Characterize and interpret existing lake conditions; 2) Update and review the aquatic plant community (point intercept plant surveys) and lake water quality status; 3) Prepare an aquatic invasive species assessment; 4) Updated comprehensive lake management plan.
Comprehensive Planning Studies