Lakes Grant
Large Scale Lake Planning
Lake Management Plan Development
Grant Awarded
Pine Lake P&R District is sponsoring a project focusing on development of a Lake Management Plan (LMP) for Pine Lake including an AIS control plan and a native mechanical harvesting plan. Completion of a LMP will allow for potential Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) cost sharing grants and permits for Eurasian water-milfoil (EWM) control. Phases 1 and 2 were funded in Feb 2009 and Phase 3 was funded in this cycle.
Project activities include: 1) Stakeholder participation \2013 kick-off meeting, AIS training, stakeholder survey, planning meetings (up to 2), wrap-up meeting, news release, newsletter article, and progress report; 2) Recruit volunteers and implement a CB/CW program; 3) Annual volunteer AIS monitoring; 4) Water quality sampling (Secchi, P, Chla, N, Conductivity, pH, Alkalinity, Total Suspended solids, Calcium, DO, and temp); 5) Curly-leaf pondweed (CLP) survey and aquatic plant community mapping; 6) Sensitive area delineation; 7) Fisheries assessment; 8) Watershed assessment and P load modeling; 9) Zebra mussel monitoring; 10)Develop LMP (with AIS control and harvesting components).
Project deliverables include: 1) Lake Management Plan with AIS control and harvesting components.
Watershed Mapping or Assessment
Monitor Invasive Species
Monitor Water Quality or Sediment