FRIENDS OF THE ST CROIX HEADWATERS, INC.: Pilot Aquatic Macrophyte River & Lake Surveys in the Upper St. Croix Watershed


Friends of the St. Croix Headwaters (FOTSCH) is sponsoring an AIS prevention and education project. Project activities include: 1) Field testing and development of aquatic plant survey protocols. 2) Clean Boat/Clean Water program on Upper St. Croix Lake. 3) Aquatic plant surveys of rivers/streams in watershed and mapping. 4) Public Outreach and Education about AIS. 5) Review of protocol and results at public watershed conference. Deliverables include a comprehensive report including: 1) Watercraft inspection report including time and number of people reached; CB/CW survey results; daily results will be entered into the DNR CB/CW database; 2) Results of development and field testing of macrophyte protocols for flowing waterbodies; 3) Results of Aquatic Plant Surveys with appropriate maps and Arc View forms including maps of AIS locations; 4) Results of Aquatic Plant Vouchers; 5) Report on outreach projects, workshops, and presentations including copies of press releases, newsletters, and educational materials distributed to the public; 6) Report on review of results from public watershed conference; 7) AIS related materials generated or paid for by this grant. Special conditions for this project: 1) WDNR\2019s Aquatic Plant Management in Wisconsin guidance should be followed for point-intercept survey monitoring and/or aquatic plant management plan development; 2) The project sponsor shall immediately contact proper DNR authorities in the event in the event of a new aquatic invasive species infestation. This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional AIS Coordinator. It is recommended that Grantee provide the AIS Coordinator with a draft final report. The DNR shall receive a paper and electronic copy of the final report.

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Aquatic Invasives Grant
Aquatic Invasives Education
Reports and Documents
AEPP-206-10 Summary
During the past few years, with the help of this and other grants, we have been able to do a very thorough scientific study of our watershed. This project was designed to address one of the State of Wisconsin’s most immediate needs: the monitoring of our flowing waters to increase our understanding of the spread of invasive species through the vectors (pathways) shown in the map and how they are impacting riparian ecosystems. More specifically, this project piloted a DNR-authorized river/stream aquatic plant survey method that was developed by our consultant in close cooperation with DNR Departmental staff (see consultants assessment, attached). The goal was that once this protocol was used and the results reviewed, this survey method would be adopted by the DNR and would be made available to other river groups in the State of Wisconsin.
Activities & Recommendations
Information and Education
Grant Awarded
Watercraft Inspections Clean Boats, Clean Waters
2747300 Upper Saint Croix Lake
Informational Meetings
Map Invasive Species
Aquatic Plant Monitoring or Survey