THE PRAIRIE ENTHUSIASTS, INC.: Restore Sylvan Road Conservation Area Stream/Wetland Complex: Dodge Branch Watershed, Iowa County


The Prairie Enthusiasts are taking on a River Planning Grant to update the restoration management plan for the Sylvan Road Conservation Area. Project final deliverables include: a report containing water level monitoring methods and preliminary results, a preliminary conceptual map with locations of stream restoration activities and vegetation management, an order 1 soil map of the wetland/stream complex, an updated Wetland Vegetation Management Plan including high order wetland vegetation map of the wetland/stream complex, and a concept report with a basemap to track and display site management activities. Specific project activities include: 1) install shallow and deep water table monitoring wells; 2) geomorphic and hydrologic assessments and a Meander Migration Assessment; 3) characterize and map in detail the soils on both sides of the old railroad grade by delineating soils; 4) identify wetland vegetation including AIS, and map the spatial distribution of plant communities; 5) record data collected during the course of natural resource inventories, studies, surveys, and monitoring into a database to produce a digital basemap. Special Conditions: DNR approved protocols and protocols listed in the application should be followed for water level monitoring wells, geomorphic and hydrologic assessments, soils characterization, wetland assessments, etc. Draft reports, plans, maps, and other materials are strongly encouraged to be shared with the regional Streams Biologist before the final materials are submitted. The Streams Biologist will work with Wetlands Staff to obtain expertise and input on the draft materials prior to final submittal. This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Streams Biologist.

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River Planning Grant
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Grant RP38323 awarded