Chippewa Flowage Area Property Owners Association will conduct an AIS program that will reduce the problem of AIS (purple loosestrife, Eurasian water milfoil (EWM)) in the Chippewa Flowage through monitoring, education, control and prevention.
Project goals includes: 1) Develop a Clean Boats, Clean Waters program for five landings on the Chippewa Flowage; 2) Perform a survey of all 33 boat landings to determine presence/absence of EWM at or near the landings; 3) Develop a resort owner educational program on boat landing improvements and signage; 4) Continue to survey, raise biocontrol, and control purple loosestrife; 5) Develop a test plot to determine effectiveness of herbicide control on EWM in boat landing areas.
Project deliverables include: 1) Provide results of the EWM control testing (Hay Creek); 2) Provide maps of EWM presence at or near boat landings; 3) Provide maps for Purple loosestrife locations (including herbicide control and beetle release sites); 4) Provide the department a summary of the volunteer AIS monitoring and number of hours/boaters contacted under Clean Boats, Clean Waters Program; 5) Provide a summary of the educational activities at the landings including signage.
Specific conditions for this Project: 1) The WDNR will be provided electronic and hard copies of all data and or reports/plans generated as a result of this project; 2) APM Permit must be approved prior to EWM treatment; 3) Implement the department pre and post monitoring protocol at EWM herbicide treatment sites; 4) Contact UW-Extension staff for information on training, workshops or educational materials for the AIS Monitoring (Laura Herman, 715-365-8998) Program; 5) Contact Christal Campbell (608-266-0061) and Erin McFarlane (715-346-4978) prior to constructing signs to make sure a consistent message is being sent.
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