Lakes Grant
Large Scale Lake Planning
Squaw Lake is a 303(d) Impaired Water. The lake is nutrient (phosphorus) impaired as a result of agriculture, internal loading and local land use. In an effort to improve this resource, the Squaw Lake Rehabilitation & Management District (SLRMD) worked with the WI Department of Natural Resources, St. Croix County Land & Water Conservation Department (SLWCD) and Polk Land & Water Resources (PLWR) to update the Squaw Lake Management Plan. The writing of this plan included surveying lake residents, soils testing of shoreland and agricultural land, and research of past and ongoing studies. These studies included information on water quality, groundwater levels, lake levels, lake groundwater field testing, spring runoff phosphorus sampling, Phosphorus modeling, shoreland habitat, aquatic habitat, and aquatic invasive species. The following goals and objectives are derived from the values and concerns of the members and residents of the Squaw Lake Rehabilitation and Management District and the science evaluating the health of Squaw Lake.
Lake Management Plan Development
Grant Awarded
The Squaw Lake Rehabilitation and Management District proposes to update the lake management plan for Squaw Lake in St. Croix County. Major project elements to include: 1) Technical Planning Team, 2) Sociological survey, 3) Soil sampling, 4) impervious surface and habitat surveys.