DEAD PIKE LAKE ASSOCIATION: Dead Pike Lake Management Plan, Phase 3


Dead Pike Lake Association is sponsoring phased large scale lake planning grants to study Dead Pike Lake in Vilas County. Phases 1 and 2 have previously been completed. Phase 3 will collect new information and focus on developing a Lake Management Plan for Dead Pike Lake that can be used in conjunction with the updating of the Powell Marsh Master Plan. Phase 3 project activities include: 1) Iron toxicity literature review; 2) Hydrologic reconstruction; 3) Analytical work for sediment and spatial analysis of iron; 4) Develop Lake Management Plan. Project deliverables include: Lake Management Plan (to include new info from activities 1-3 above) Specific conditions for this project: Lake Management Plan needs Dept review and approval WDNR Lakes Management Coordinator will be provided with an electronic (pdf or word) and hard copy of Lake Management Plan, data from sediment analysis, spatial analysis of iron and hydrologic assessment, all maps from project, and all GIS data.

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Lakes Grant
Large Scale Lake Planning
Reports and Documents
In June 2007, the Dead Pike Lake Association committed to engage in a scientific study to investigate the cause and effect of elevated iron and manganese discharges from the Powell Marsh into Dead Pike Lake and to determine the extent to which current management practices on the March contribute to excessive water level fluctuations within the lake. This Lake Management Plan is the outcome of that work.
Activities & Recommendations
Comprehensive Planning Studies
Lake Management Plan Development
Grant Awarded
Dead Pike Lake Association is sponsoring phased large scale lake planning grants to study Dead Pike Lake in Vilas County. Phases 1 and 2 have previously been completed. Phase 3 will collect new information and focus on developing a Lake Management Plan for Dead Pike Lake that can be used in conjunction with the updating of the Powell Marsh Master Plan. Phase 3 project activities include: 1) Iron toxicity literature review; 2) Hydrologic reconstruction; 3) Analytical work for sediment and spatial analysis of iron; 4) Develop Lake Management Plan. Project deliverables include: Lake Management Plan (to include new info from activities 1-3 above).