BURNETT COUNTY LAND CONSERVATION DEPARTMENT: CLG - Burnett County Shoreline Incentives Program


Scope Burnett County Land Services is sponsoring a project to continue the Shoreline Incentives Program (SIP), install stormwater practices, and complete a Shoreland and Shallows inventory on 4 lakes. Activities: 1) Complete shorelands and shallows inventories on selected lakes 2) Provide technical and financial assistance for stormwater projects 3) Evaluate completed shoreline restoration projects 4) Inspect and enroll properties in the SIP 5) Distribute education and outreach materials 6) Seed wild rice on Clam Lake. Deliverables: 1) Summary of Shoreland and Shallows monitoring including maps, spreadsheets and data collected 2) Summary of cost share agreements, design, and before and after photos of stormwater projects 3) Summary of shoreline restoration evaluations, follow-up surveys, and assistance provided 4) Summary of new SIP participants and compliance checks 5) Summary of education and outreach efforts 6) Wild rice seeding locations on Clam Lake. Conditions: 1) Enter data collected into SWIMS database under the grant project number. 2) Shoreland and shallows habitat monitoring shall follow Lake Shoreland & Shallows Habitat Monitoring Field Protocol, publication number EGAD # 3400-2020-19. 3) Enter into land use agreements for lands restored utilizing grant funds or funds used as match to the project to ensure land remains in conservation per NR 193.52(3). A 10-year operation and maintenance period is required for approved Healthy Lakes and Rivers projects. Other approved restoration projects require land to be maintained for 20-year period through a land use agreement recorded at the County Register of Deeds office. This scope summarizes details provided in the application and does not negate tasks and/or deliverables described therein. Data, reports, surveys, and supporting information, including photos, maps and GIS data, must be submitted to the DNR Biologist in electronic format and in any other format they specify. Also see B. Special Conditions below

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Grant LPL187024 awarded