WATERWAYS ASSOC. MENOMINEE & SHAWANO CTY: RES - Imago Dei Shoreline Stabilization


The Waterways Association of Menominee and Shawano Counties is sponsoring a project to conduct a shoreline stabilization project at Imago Dei Village property, on Long Lake. Activities: 1) Design a shoreline stabilization plan according to NRCS Standard 580; 2) Install Envirolok bags along shoreline to stabilize undercut banks. Deliverables: 1) Shoreline stabilization plan; 2) Installation of Envirolok bags with before and after photos of the site. 2) Enter into land use agreements containing an 20-year operation and maintenance plan for activities conducted on properties not owned by the Grantee and provide copy of these agreements recorded at the County Register of Deeds office prior to requesting final reimbursement. 3) Do not duplicate scope of work defined and funded under grant LPT83024. This scope summarizes details provided in the application and does not negate tasks and/or deliverables described therein. Data, reports, surveys, and supporting information, including photos, maps and GIS data, must be submitted to the DNR Biologist in electronic format and in any other format they specify.

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Grant LPT83724 awarded