FDL LONG LAKE PRESERVATION ASSN: Long Lake Habitat Restoration Project


The Long Lake Preservation Association proposes to: control Curly Leaf Pondweed (CLP) and Eurasian Watermilfoil (EWM) through chemical treatment in the waters of Long and Tittle Lakes, during the period 2011 - 2013. The project elements and deliverables are specified in the Long Lake Preservation Association\2019s Aquatic Invasive Species Grant application, dated July 29, 2010. The project includes: conducting pre- and post-treatment surveys to monitor the presence of CLP and EWM; treating CLP and EWM infested areas in waters of Long Lake and Tittle with aquatic herbicide(s); conducting watercraft inspections; participating in the Citizen Lakes Monitoring Network; and mailing educational information to Association members. Any persons conducting watercraft inspections or participating in the Citizen Lake Monitoring Network will enroll in a current Clean Boats Clean Waters workshop or Citizen Lake Monitoring Network workshop. Watercraft inspection and Citizen Lake Monitoring records will be entered into the State\2019s online Watercraft Inspection Database (SWIMS). Any publications or signs produced as part of this project will incorporate the \201CStop Aquatic Hitchhikers!\201D\2122 brand (partnership details are at http://www.protectyourwaters.org). Annual progress reports and a final report summarizing the three-year project will be provided to DNR. If consultant is to provide the final report, it is recommended the Grantee provide the DNR Aquatic Invasive Species Coordinator with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making final payment to the consultant. DNR to receive both paper and electronic .pdf copies of the final report along with, or prior to, submission of grantee\2019s final payment request.

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Aquatic Invasives Grant
Aquatic Invasives Control
Reports and Documents
This grant has allowed the Association to fight and significantly reduce CLP and EWM infested areas in the waters on Long and Title Lake. Each summer annual pre and post treatment surveys were initiated to measure the effectiveness of the treatment program as well as for planning the following year’s treatment. With the summer of 2015 treatment, the total treatment over the 5 year period has been reduced from 50 acres to 12.7 acres. Without action over this five year period, the AIS threatened to overtake the native aquatic plants as well as disrupt the public’s enjoyment of the lakes by clogging the boat motors and reducing the fishing on the lake. The reduction of AIS is restoring the natural balance of the lakes for the benefit of all. Coupled with the chemical treatment was the continuation of the CBCW program we started prior to receiving this grant. In our initial year of boat landing monitoring, most boaters had no idea about the effects of transferring weeds to another lake as well as the effects of water left in their boat or on their trailers. This summer we found 95% of our contacts were aware and could re-site the rules to us. Between our attempts at educating and the DNR’s through their public announcements, much change has taken place to stop the spread of Invasive species. In addition to the CBCW initiative, other educational efforts took place such as installation of Kiosks at boat landings on Long and surrounding lakes and education through our newsletter and place mats placed in surrounding restaurants.
No CLP or EWM were located within the 2014 treatment areas and data shows low CLP occurrence in targeted treatment areas. No areas needing treatment for EWM were found
2013 Treatment changes for EWM and CLP, and reports of the efficiency of the new treatments.
Second year of treatment for curly-leaf pondweed and Eurasian water milfoil
First year of treatment monitoring for curly-leaf pondweed and Eurasian water milfoil
Activities & Recommendations
Watercraft Inspections Clean Boats, Clean Waters
APM Chemical Permit Request
Monitor Pre and Post Treatment
Develop/Distribute Brochures/Literature
Grant Awarded