ROCK LAKE IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION: Rock Lake Additional Pollution Source Identification


The Rock Lake Improvement Association would like to do additional data collection and analysis to help determine more precisely the sources of sediment, bacteria and nutrient pollution from the Miljala subwatershed to Rock Lake, as a followup to a previous grant. Bed load sampling will determine the annual quantity of sediment entering the channel, which must be known to determine a maintenance program for the management practice that may be selected; bacterial testing will determine the source of fecal bacteria in the channel, topographic survey, wetland delineation and inventory of birds, mammals and herbivores will provide more detail for the plan to remediate the problem. The Association is sharing results via their public meetings and are working closely with property owners in the watershed as well.

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Lakes Grant
Large Scale Lake Planning
Reports and Documents
Appendix C, maps of restoration efforts and options.
Plans to control sediment erosion and bacteria levels in Miljala Channel and tributary.
Activities & Recommendations
Lakes Planning Grant
Grant Awarded
The Rock Lake Improvement Association would like to do additional data collection and analysis to help determine more precisely the sources of sediment, bacteria and nutrient pollution from the Miljala subwatershed to Rock Lake, as a followup to a previous grant. Bed load sampling will determine the annual quantity of sediment entering the channel, which must be known to determine a maintenance program for the management practice that may be selected; bacterial testing will determine the source of fecal bacteria in the channel, topographic survey, wetland delineation and inventory of birds, mammals and herbivores will provide more detail for the plan to remediate the problem. The Association is sharing results via their public meetings and are working closely with property owners in the watershed as well.
Monitoring Ecosystem
Monitor or Assess Watershed Condition
Informational Meetings
Monitor Water Quality or Sediment