SOLBERG LAKE ASSOCIATION: Solberg Lake APM Plan Update & AIS Education


Solberg Lake Association is sponsoring a project including the preliminary goals of 1) Effectively managing CLP infestation; 2) Improving navigation through Squaw Creek, Disappearing Creek and Comfort Cove; 3) Determine plant community diversity in lake; 4) Maintain and improve recreational opportunities; 5) Preserve native aquatic plants; 6) Protect and improve fish and wildlife habitat and Sensitive areas; 7) Evaluate water quality; 8) Educate lake users on AIS. A point intercept Aquatic Plant Survey will be completed and an Aquatic Plant Management Plan for Solberg Lake will be completed. Project deliverables include: 1) A project kick-off meeting; 2) Public information meeting with draft APM plan; 3) Conduct water quality sampling and evaluation; 4) Comprehensive APM plan; 5) Interpret aquatic plant survey results; 6) Provide lake association with maps (including CLP beds); 7) Two sets of pressed plant specimens. Specific project conditions: 1) WDNR will be provided electronic and hard copies of all data and reports/plans generated as a result of this project (APM Plan); 2) Follow department protocol when conducting the point intercept study; 3) Provide hard copy of point intercept data in proper spreadsheet format; 4) provide lake maps to the lakes coordinator and enter them into SWIMS; 5) Contact Erin McFarlane (715-346-4978) and Laura Herman (715-365-8998) at UW-Extension to learn about the Clean Lakes/Clean Waters Program and AIS monitoring programs; 6) Consult with the Voigt Intertribal Task Force (VTF) (Peter David, 715-682-6619 (ext.123) ( on any activities that could impact wild rice and/or habitat that could support wild rice. APM Plan development and associated permitting activities require VTF consultation. Thus, its imperative wild rice and associated habitat be an APM Plan component. Contact Jim Kreitlow (715-365-8947) for specifics on integrating wild rice discussion in your Plan.

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Aquatic Invasives Grant
Aquatic Invasives Education
Activities & Recommendations
Grant Awarded
Aquatic Plant Monitoring or Survey
Monitor Water Quality or Sediment
Educate and engage residents
Information and Education
Aquatic Plant Management Plan
Informational Meetings
Project Deliverable
two sets of pressed plant specimens