TOWN OF BLACKWELL: Algal & Water Quality Assessment & Aquatic Plant Survey for Bear Lake Forest County, Phase 6


The Town of Blackwell is sponsoring a phased large scale lake planning grant project to study Bear Lake in Forest County. Phases 1 and 2 were funded during the February 2010 grant cycle, phases 3 and 4 were funded in August 2010, and Phases 5 and 6 were funded in February 2011. Project partners include the US Forest Service and UW-Stevens Point. The project will focus on developing a Lake Management Plan (LMP) for Bear Lake. Phase 6 project activities include: 1) Algal assessment; 2) Information and education activities and planning meetings; 3) Water quality sampling and analysis; 4) Develop hydrologic and phosphorous budget; 5) Crayfish and aquatic plant monitoring; 6) Develop LMP. Project deliverables include: 1) Water chemistry, algae, crayfish, and aquatic plant data; 2) Hydrologic and Phosphorous budget; 3) LMP. Specific conditions for this project: LMP needs Dept review and approval. WDNR Lakes Management Coordinator will be provided with an electronic (pdf or word) copy of LMP, data from water quality, algae sampling, and crayfish and aquatic plant monitoring, all maps from project, and all GIS data.

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Lakes Grant
Large Scale Lake Planning
Reports and Documents
The purpose of this lake management plan is to provide guidance to protect current conditions that are desirable, address existing problems, and prevent future problems to the Bear Lake ecosystem. This plan was developed by a group of citizens, the US Forest Service, and the Town of Blackwell in April 2012.
Bear Lake final report to the Town of Blackwell, includes maps, tables, graphs, photos, and diagrams.
Spreadsheet with data on sampling sites for the Algal and Water Quality Assessment and Strategic Plan for Bear Lake, Forest County.
The first of two excel spreadsheets containing raw lab data from the Algal and Water Quality Assessment and Strategic Plan for Bear Lake, Forest County.
Second of Two excel spreadsheets containing raw lab data from associated with the Algal and Water Quality Assessment and Strategic Plan for Bear Lake in Forest County
Activities & Recommendations
Grant Awarded
The Town of Blackwell is sponsoring a phased large scale lake planning grant project to study Bear Lake in Forest County. Phases 1 and 2 were funded during the February 2010 grant cycle, phases 3 and 4 were funded in August 2010, and Phases 5 and 6 were funded in February 2011. Project partners include the US Forest Service and UW-Stevens Point. The project will focus on developing a Lake Management Plan (LMP) for Bear Lake. Phase 6 project activities include: 1) Algal assessment; 2) Information and education activities and planning meetings; 3) Water quality sampling and analysis; 4) Develop hydrologic and phosphorous budget; 5) Crayfish and aquatic plant monitoring; 6) Develop LMP. Project deliverables include: 1) Water chemistry, algae, crayfish, and aquatic plant data; 2) Hydrologic and Phosphorous budget; 3) LMP.
Grant Awarded
The Town of Blackwell is sponsoring a phased large scale lake planning grant project to study Bear Lake in Forest County. Phases 1 and 2 were funded during the February 2010 grant cycle, phases 3 and 4 were funded in August 2010, and Phases 5 and 6 were funded in February 2011. Project partners include the US Forest Service and UW-Stevens Point. The project will focus on developing a Lake Management Plan (LMP) for Bear Lake. Phase 6 project activities include: 1) Algal assessment; 2) Information and education activities and planning meetings; 3) Water quality sampling and analysis; 4) Develop hydrologic and phosphorous budget; 5) Crayfish and aquatic plant monitoring; 6) Develop LMP. Project deliverables include: 1) Water chemistry, algae, crayfish, and aquatic plant data; 2) Hydrologic and Phosphorous budget; 3) LMP.
Lake Management Plan Development