VILLAGE OF GRANTSBURG: Memory Lake Phase 2: Stormwater Management Planning


The Village of Grantsburg is sponsoring a three-phase project to develop a restoration plan for Memory Lake Park and inventory habitat and the mussel community; develop a Village storm water management plan and recruit resident participants for BMP installation; and delineate and assess the Wood Lake to Memory Lake subbasin and prioritize watershed BMPs. Each phase includes substantial public participation and outreach. The final deliverable will be a single report that includes recommendations and conceptual designs for Memory Lake Park and Wood River watershed BMPs. Phase 2 (LPL-1427-11) project tasks include: 1) Stormwater ordinance and utility review; 2) Stormwater management plan with recommendations; 3) Identification of residential BMPs and property owner recruitment for implementation. This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Coordinator.

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Lakes Grant
Large Scale Lake Planning
Activities & Recommendations
Grant Awarded
The Village of Grantsburg is sponsoring a three-phase project to develop a restoration plan for Memory Lake Park and inventory habitat and the mussel community; develop a Village storm water management plan and recruit resident participants for BMP installation; and delineate and assess the Wood Lake to Memory Lake subbasin and prioritize watershed BMPs. Each phase includes substantial public participation and outreach.
Grant Awarded
The Village of Grantsburg is sponsoring a three-phase project to develop a restoration plan for Memory Lake Park and inventory habitat and the mussel community; develop a Village storm water management plan and recruit resident participants for BMP installation; and delineate and assess the Wood Lake to Memory Lake subbasin and prioritize watershed BMPs. Each phase includes substantial public participation and outreach.
Stormwater Planning, Implementation