VILLAGE OF GRANTSBURG: Restoration & Runoff Management Planning for Memory Lake, Phase 3 Watershed Assessment


The Village of Grantsburg is sponsoring the third phase of a three-phase project to develop a restoration plan for Memory Lake Park and inventory habitat and the mussel community; develop a Village storm water management plan and recruit resident participants for BMP installation; and delineate and assess the Wood Lake to Memory Lake subbasin and prioritize watershed BMPs. Each phase includes substantial public participation and outreach. The final deliverable will be a single report that includes recommendations and conceptual designs for Memory Lake Park and Wood River watershed BMPs. The specific Phase 3 project tasks include: 1) Memory Lake watershed delineation; 2) Wildlife assessment; 3) Identification and prioritization of BMPs; 4) Modeling, mapping and final report. The final deliverable will be a final report with site specific management and implementation plans and a storm water management plan. This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Coordinator.

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Lakes Grant
Large Scale Lake Planning
Activities & Recommendations
Grant Awarded
The Village of Grantsburg is sponsoring the third phase of a three-phase project to develop a restoration plan for Memory Lake Park and inventory habitat and the mussel community; develop a Village storm water management plan and recruit resident participants for BMP installation; and delineate and assess the Wood Lake to Memory Lake subbasin and prioritize watershed BMPs. Each phase includes substantial public participation and outreach. The final deliverable will be a single report that includes recommendations and conceptual designs for Memory Lake Park and Wood River watershed BMPs. The specific Phase 3 project tasks include: 1) Memory Lake watershed delineation; 2) Wildlife assessment; 3) Identification and prioritization of BMPs; 4) Modeling, mapping and final report. The final deliverable will be a final report with site specific management and implementation plans and a storm water management plan.
Stormwater Planning, Implementation