Aquatic Invasives Grant
Aquatic Invasives Control
Main Project Goal: Work on controlling Eurasian water milfoil and curly-leaf pondweed through an adaptive management approach as outlined in DNR guidance. Every year (2012 through 2017), pre-treatment and post-treatment aquatic plant surveys (using the PI method) were performed on the lake by the LWCD. Data was summarized and plant maps for the aquatic invasive species (AIS) were produced.
Lower Spring Lake is a 109 acre lake located in Jefferson County. The 2 aquatic invasive plant species in the lake are Eurasian water milfoil and curly-leaf pondweed. This document is an update to the 2011 Aquatic Plant Management Plan for Lower Spring Lake. It was developed by the Jefferson County Land and Water Conservation Department and the Lower Spring Lake Protection and Rehabilitation District with the assistance of the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources.
PI survey data from August 2017 on Lower Spring Lake.
PI survey data from May 2016 on Lower Spring Lake.
PI survey data from 7/31/15-8/4/15 on Lower Spring Lake.
PI survey data from 5/14/14 on Lower Spring Lake.
Grant Awarded
Grant ACEI-116-12 awarded
Watercraft Inspections Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Shoreland Monitoring, Assessment, Inventory
Shoreland Monitoring, Assessment or Inventory