RED CEDAR LAKES ASSOCIATION: Red Cedar Lakes 1 Year AIS Education, Planning & Prevention Project


The Red Cedar Lake Association is sponsoring a project to continue AIS planning and education to the Red Cedar Lakes community. Project goals are derived from the Red Cedar Lakes Aquatic Plant Management Plan. Project goals includes: 1) Protect, preserve, and enhance the native species community in and around the lakes while maintaining recreational use; 2) Educate and inform the lake community about the importance of aquatic plants in the lake ecosystem, management alternatives and appropriate management actions; 3) Monitor and manage curly-leaf pondweed and purple loosestrife in and around the lakes and adjacent wetlands; 4) Prevent the introduction of new aquatic invasive species and the spread of invasive species from the lakes to other lakes by implementing monitoring, inspection and education programs; 5) Develop a better understanding of the lakes and the factors affecting lake water quality through continued and expanded monitoring efforts. Project deliverables include: 1) Annual reports which will include summaries of work completed and management recommendations; 2) Reports from the Clean Boats, Clean Waters and Citizen Lake Monitoring Network Water Quality and AIS monitoring programs will be included; 3) Materials created for the project including newsletters and educational materials; 4) All data and GIS shape files associated with the project will be included in a digital format with final project reports; 5) Project updates will accompany requests for reimbursements submitted by the RCLA. Specific project conditions: 1) The WDNR will be provided electronic and hard copies of all data and or reports/plans generated as a result of this project; 2) Contact UW-Extension staff for information on training, workshops or educational materials for the Clean Boats/Clean Waters (Erin McFarlane, 715-346-4978) Program and AIS Monitoring (Laura Herman, 715-365-8998) Program; 3) Clean Boats/Clean Waters data must be entered in SWIMS.

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Aquatic Invasives Grant
Aquatic Invasives Education
Activities & Recommendations
Information and Education
Grant Awarded
2109600 Red Cedar Lake
Watercraft Inspections Clean Boats, Clean Waters
Project Deliverable
Final report
Educate and engage residents
Develop/Distribute Brochures/Literature
Develop/Distribute Newsletter
Monitor Invasive Species
Monitor Water Quality or Sediment