Lakes Grant
Large Scale Lake Planning
Grant Awarded
Namakagon Lake Association is sponsoring a comprehensive monitoring, modeling, and planning project. The project will emphasize shoreline restoration, including understanding implementation barriers and identifying priority restoration sites. Activities include: sociological survey; ordinance review/inventory; water quality, water level and discharge and shoreline monitoring; summary of previous aquatic plant and fisheries monitoring/reports; watershed mapping and land use characterization; and nutrient/land use scenario modeling (WiLMS). This information will be integrated with stakeholder/public participation to create a comprehensive lake management plan.
Lakes Planning Grant
Habitat Restoration - Shoreland
Protect Riparian or Shorelands
Information and Education
Ordinance Development or Implementation
Monitor Water Quality or Sediment
Lake Management Plan Development
Social Survey of Residents or Users
Habitat Restoration - Shoreland
Shoreland Restoration