Tyler Forks and Potato River TWA (Project 2)


The purpose of this project is to continue watershed data collection including biological data and water chemistry in the Tyler Forks Watershed and adding chemistry sites in the Potato River Watershed. Collection of fish community data, qualitative habitat, and macroinvertebrate data in the Potato River Watershed is also involved. Temperature data collection was conducted in the Tyler Forks Watershed at sites where the sensors failed in 2012. Water chemistry data will complete assessment information to provide ambient water quality information for an indepth understanding of the Tyler Forks and Upper Bad River watersheds and their unique and sensitive waterbodies. Funding also continues USGS Gage Station funding on Tyler Forks River at Stricker Road.


The work includes continuing monitoring waters to update waterbody assessment status information (i.e. future monitoring for 303(d) or ERW/ORW status) for making management recommendations and updating water body and watershed narratives in WATERS and for use in watershed planning. Collect background water quality information within a watershed and adjacent watersheds with a known iron ore deposit. The additional chemistry sites are chosen to be as similar to those currently being sampled in the Tyler Forks watershed. The plan is to sample the Potato River upstream and downstream of known iron ore deposit and then to select a small stream whose headwaters originate near the iron ore body. Additionally, a site in the Tyler Forks watershed and Potato River watershed will be selected that are not associated with the iron ore body for a comparison study as possible needed in the future.


Possible future monitoring for 303(d) or ERW/ORW status, use of information for making management recommendations, updating waterbody and watershed narratives in WATERS and use in watershed planning. Collect additonal water chemistry information from a similar watershed for comparison.

Study Design

This project continues the data watershed data collection including biological information and water chemistries in the Tyler Forks Watershed, adding one additional chemistry site as well as include 4 chemistry sites in the Potato River Watershed. We plan to survey or re survey the fish community at approximately 8 sites depending site access. Qualitative habitat at a minimum will be recorded at any site where a fish survey is conducted. We will collect bug samples at the 4 new chemistry sites in the Potato River watershed. We will deploy temp sensors at those sites and probably up to 10 more sites in the Tyler Forks watershed especially at sites were the Temperature sensors failed to collect data in 2012. Additional temperature sites may be added depending on the number of sensors available. Four water chemistry samples will be collected at 4 locations in the Potato River watershed and 4 samples collected at a new site in the Tyler Forks watershed. We also propose to continue sampling water chemistries at the 6 Sites currently being sampled in the Tyler Forks and Upper Bad River watersheds through 2013. We are also requesting funding to continue the USGS Gaging Station on Tyler Forks River at Stricker Road for the year.

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