TOWN OF BARNES: Upper Eau Claire Lake CLP Early Detection/Response 2012-2016


The Town of Barnes is sponsoring a four-year curlyleaf pondweed response project on Upper Eau Claire, Bayfield County, to do the following activities: community information and education; improved signage; aquatic plant survey and management plan; and curlyleaf pondweed management (e.g. manual removal, herbicide treatment) and monitoring. This project may include monitoring nearby lakes and/or management planning. Project deliverables include: 1) A project report summarizing information/education, management, and monitoring activities; 2) Pre-post treatment and other monitoring data/results; 3) Aquatic Plant Management Plan, if necessary. This scope is intended to summarize the detailed project scope provided in the application and does not supersede those application tasks/deliverables. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lake Coordinator.

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Aquatic Invasives Grant
Aquatic Invasives Early Detection and Response
Reports and Documents
Continuous volunteer monitoring and annual professional monitoring will measure the success of the BAISS strategy. Manual removal will be encouraged. If monitoring indicates our objectives are not being met, alternative methods, including chemical control will be revisited.
Map of CLP beds
Activities & Recommendations
Information and Education
APM Chemical Permit Request
APM Mechanical Permit Request
Grant Awarded
Project Deliverable
project report
Install Kiosk or Sign
Aquatic Plant Management Plan
Aquatic Plant Monitoring or Survey
Monitor Pre and Post Treatment