GREEN LAKE COUNTY: Green Lake County Buffer Assesment


The Green Lake \2013 Land Conservation Department is sponsoring a Small-Scale Planning Grant to inventory vegetative buffer conditions on 6 tributaries of Big Green Lake. Major components of this field work include: 1. Inventory current buffer status. 2. Identify impaired buffers and areas of bank instability. 3. Classify target areas for precision buffers. 4. Locate target areas for upland conservation practices. Sampling stations will be field located with GPS and sampling protocols will follow USDA_NRCS Stream Visual Assessment Protocols (SVAP). Project Deliverables 1. Meeting with DNR and GLSD to go over results of project and to plan future planning and / or implementation projects. 2. Draft Report submitted one month prior to project deadline. 3. Final Report will include: a. Resource Inventory Maps which identify high priority areas for precision conservation practices. b. Results of SVAP survey and other field collected data. c. Recommendations on the creation of a buffer ordinance or other courses of action to improve the water quality of streams discharging to Big Green Lake. Project Timeline 1. Draft Report submittal by 11/30/2013 2. Final Report will be completed by 12/31/2013. Final report needs DNR approval.

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Lakes Grant
Small Scale Lake Planning
Activities & Recommendations
Grant Awarded
The Green Lake \2013 Land Conservation Department is sponsoring a Small-Scale Planning Grant to inventory vegetative buffer conditions on 6 tributaries of Big Green Lake. Major components of this field work include: 1. Inventory current buffer status. 2. Identify impaired buffers and areas of bank instability. 3. Classify target areas for precision buffers. 4. Locate target areas for upland conservation practices.
Project Deliverable
inventory of vegetative buffer conditions on 6 tributaries of Big Green Lake. Meeting with DNR and GLSD to go over results of project and to plan future planning and / or implementation projects. 2. Draft Report submitted one month prior to project deadline. 3. Final Report will include: a. Resource Inventory Maps which identify high priority areas for precision conservation practices. b. Results of SVAP survey and other field collected data. c. Recommendations on the creation of a buffer ordinance or other courses of action to improve the water quality of streams discharging to Big Green Lake.