
The Spirit Lakes are on the impaired water list for phosphorus. The Spirit Lakes Improvement Association will conduct work to determine the water and phosphorus budgets for the Spirit Lakes to ultimately determine if an alum treatment is feasible. This project (Phase I) includes the following goals: 1)Properly quantify the water and phosphorus budgets of North and South Spirit lakes and evaluate the influence of groundwater as a contributor of phosphorus to the lakes. Work activities include: 1) Stream gauging; 2) Collect water samples for phosphorus analysis; 3) sampling groundwater at springs for phosphorus; 4) Groundwater modeling; 5)Data evaluation; 6) Land use inventory review; 7) Lake management planning. Phase II (future grant) will evaluate the feasibility of managing lake phosphorus levels (including alum treatment) and revise the lake management plan. Project deliverables include: 1) A final report summarizing the work above; 2) A final lake management plan. Specific project conditions: 1) The WDNR will be provided electronic and hard copies of all data and or reports/plans generated as a result of this project; 2) Contact Jim Kreitlow (715-365-8947) to set up a field visit to help select stream gauging sites.

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Lakes Grant
Large Scale Lake Planning
Activities & Recommendations
Lakes Planning Grant
Grant Awarded
The Spirit Lakes are on the impaired water list for phosphorus. The Spirit Lakes Improvement Association will conduct work to determine the water and phosphorus budgets for the Spirit Lakes to ultimately determine if an alum treatment is feasible. This project (Phase I) includes the following goals: 1)Properly quantify the water and phosphorus budgets of North and South Spirit lakes and evaluate the influence of groundwater as a contributor of phosphorus to the lakes. Work activities include: 1) Stream gauging; 2) Collect water samples for phosphorus analysis; 3) sampling groundwater at springs for phosphorus; 4) Groundwater modeling; 5)Data evaluation; 6) Land use inventory review; 7) Lake management planning. Phase II (future grant) will evaluate the feasibility of managing lake phosphorus levels (including alum treatment) and revise the lake management plan.
Project Deliverable
Final Report
Hydrologic Budget Development
Nutrient Budget Development
Lake Management Plan Development
Data analysis, report production
Water Quality Modeling
Monitor Water Quality or Sediment