
Church Pine, Round & Big Lakes P&R District is sponsoring a 3-yr project to implement approved activities from the Church Pine, Round and Big Lakes Aquatic Plant Management Plan. Project deliverables include GIS data & maps of areas monitored, aquatic plant & turion monitoring results, examples of AIS education & outreach, AIS monitoring data in SWIMS, management/treatment summaries, and an updated APM plan. Specific project activities include: 1) Curly-leaf pondweed chemical control; 2) Pre-post treatment aquatic plant monitoring; 3) CLP bed mapping; 4) Herbicide concentration monitoring; 5) Turion monitoring; 6) Purple Loosestrife & Knotweed control; 7) Point intercept aquatic plant survey; 8) APM plan update; 9) AIS education & monitoring. Special Conditions: 1) WDNR\2019s Aquatic Plant Management in Wisconsin guidance shall be followed for point-intercept survey monitoring and aquatic plant management plan development. The NOR Native Plant Protection Strategy shall be integrated into the APM plan; 2) Sponsor shall contact DNR immediately if a new AIS is found; 3) AIS monitoring personnel shall be trained and follow DNR approved protocols. Data shall be entered in SWIMS database; 4) Education materials shall be consistent with the Department\2019s statewide education strategy for preventing and controlling AIS. This scope summarizes the project detail provided in the application and does not negate tasks/deliverables described therein. Data, records, and reports, including GIS-based maps, and digital images, must be submitted to the Department in a format specified by the regional Lakes Biologist.

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Aquatic Invasives Grant
Aquatic Invasives Control
Reports and Documents
The final report for the AIS control grant received by the Church Pine, Round and Big Lakes Protection and Rehabilitation District.
On April 22, 2016 13.75 acres of Potamogeton crispus-curly leaf pondweed (CLP) were treated with the herbicide endothall at a target concentration of 1.5-2.5 ppm. The water temperature at the time of treatment was between 50 and 60 degrees F. A pretreatment survey was conducted on April 18 and a post treatment survey was conducted on June 6, 2015. A chi-square analysis was used to determine the significance of any reductions in frequency of occurrence. The frequency of occurrence from the pretreatment to the post treatment survey showed a statistically significant reduction (from 56.25% to 3.1%). A comparison of the post treatment survey of 2015 and the post treatment survey of 2016 showed a slight decrease from 4.8% to 3.1% which was not significant. Comparing the pretreatment survey of 2015 to the pretreatment survey of 2016 showed a statistically significant (chi-square) decrease from 79.8% in 2015 to 56.25% in 2016. A chi-square analysis revealed no statistically significant reduction in any native plant species. A turion analysis was conducted in October 2016 and resulted in a decrease in all beds combined compared to the 2015 density.
Herbicide monitoring summary 2014
PI survey w/ species seen data from 2014 for Round Lake, Polk Co.
CLP treatment analysis 2014
Data from a 2014 point intercept survey on Church Pine Lake, Polk Co.
PI Survey data for Big Lake, Polk Co. from 2014
Point intercept survey for Big, Church Pine, and Round Lakes in Polk Co. from 2014
Herbicide monitoring summary 2013
Activities & Recommendations
Grant Awarded
Control Invasive Species
Monitor Invasive Species
Aquatic Plant Monitoring or Survey
Monitor Pre and Post Treatment