Sauk Creek TWA WQM Plan (2017)


In 2014, the aquatic biological communities of the Sauk Creek sub-watershed (HUC 12) within the larger Sauk-Sucker Creek Watershed were surveyed and assessed required under Section 305(b) of the Clean Water Act. And, if problems were to be found, determine the listing eligibility of the waterbody for placement onto the 303(d) list under the Clean Water Act. And finally, as a result of the overall assessment of Sauk Creek and tributaries, make recommendations to be used as a planning guide. At each sampling location, a single fish and qualitative fish habitat survey was completed; with the fish community assessed using either a backpack or towed electro shocker. At each same stream segment, a single Total Phosphorus water quality grab sample was taken, and later was sampled for aquatic macroinvertebrates. Additionally, one location, representing the lowest portion of the sub-watershed, was sampled five extra times on a monthly basis for Total Phosphorus. Read the Sauk Creek TWA WQ Plan.


The watershed study within the Sauk Creek sub-watershed utilized historical survey locations studied by WDNR biologists in 2010 and in preceding years. The sites selected represent good special coverage of the sub-watershed, capture stream habitat (natural vs. ditched) and contributing land area (urban vs. agriculture vs. mixed woodland-agriculture).


Management Priorities Identify areas throughout the watershed where stream habitat can be restored. Seek funds and programs to support these efforts. Identify the primary sources of phosphorus in the watershed and pursue local runoff management and river/stream grants to reduce phosphorous inputs into local resources. Identify potential partners and stakeholders to participate in an overall awareness and behavioral change program in the watersheds that result in reduced erosion and phosphorus inputs. Restoration Goals Reduce nutrient loadings to the Watershed Expand aquatic life passage within the Watershed Expand and improve existing wetlands

Study Design

Conduct HUC 12 level monitoring on Sauk Creek and unnamed tributaries in Ozaukee County. [40301011204]. Sample seven locations on Sauk Creek and tributaries for fish, qualitative habitat, and Total Phosphorus. In addition, sample the pour point sampling location five additional months for TP.

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Targeted Watershed Approach
Evaluation (TP SSC, Stressor, Bioassess)
Reports and Documents
Assessments and recommendations for the Watershed. Sauk Creek TWA 2017
Sauk Creek near mouth
Sauk Creek TWA WQM Plan 2017 Presentation
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Activities & Recommendations
Runoff Grant
Identify sources of phosphorus in the watershed and pursue local runoff management and river/stream grants to reduce phosphorous inputs into local resources.
Information and Education
Identify potential partners and stakeholders to participate in an overall awareness and behavioral change program in the watersheds that result in reduced erosion and phosphorus inputs.
Monitor Targeted Watershed Area (TWA)
Conduct HUC 12 level monitoring on Sauk Creek and unnamed tributaries in Ozaukee County. [40301011204]