Rathbone-Soper Creeks TWA (2017)


This Targeted Watershed Assessment (TWA) will be conducted in the Rathbone-Soper HUC 12 watershed. The Rathbone and Soper Creeks HUC 12 watershed was identified for evaluation due to stressed biological surveys. The Rathbone - Soper HUC 12 watershed was selected as one of the TWA’s for the Western District to monitor in the 2014 field season. However, funding this expanded project would essentially allow monitoring activities to be completed in another TWA located in the HUC 10 watershed. For lack of better words, more bang for the buck. This TWA approach will result in 8 sites being surveyed; including the pour point of the watershed which will have additional sampling. Read the Rathbone-SoperTWA WQ Plan.


Big-Douglas Rathbone-Soper Cr TWA WQM Plan (BR03)

Study Design

The Rathbone-Soper TWA will consist of fIBI, mIBI surveys, total phosphorus samples, and qualitative habitat surveys done at 8 sites. One of these sites, the pour point of the HUC 12, will also receive six growing season TP samples, along with one time nitrogen series, total suspended solids and chloride samples. All sites will also have a continuous temperature sensor installed to monitor summer water temperatures.

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Targeted Watershed Approach
Evaluation (TP SSC, Stressor, Bioassess)
Reports and Documents
Assessments and recommendations for the Watershed. Big-Douglas and Rathbone - Soper Creek TWA WQM PLAN 2017 (BR03)
Big-Douglas and Rathbone - Soper Creeks TWA WQM Plan 2017 Presentation
Activities & Recommendations
Monitor Targeted Watershed Area (TWA)