Navigability Determination
14N 15E S32,33,3; South Branch Rock River; extension of previous determination
Navigability Determination
T15N R14E ; South Branch Rock River;
Navigability Determination
14N 15E S31; Rock River, unnamed trib to S. bran; inspection may not have been conducted - 7m creek
Information and Education
Watershed Management (WM) staff should encourage Dodge and Fond Du Lac counties to more aggressively enforce and educate residents concerning shoreland/wetland protection zoning ordinances.
Dam Safety or Removal
WM staff should evaluate the feasibility of removing the Waupun Millpond dam.
WM staff, with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), should identify and implement feasible strategies for acquiring or otherwise protecting critical wetlands and other environmentally sensitive areas, including conservation buffers on streams surrounding Horicon Marsh.
Protect Riparian or Shorelands
WM staff should restrict future channelization of streams in the Upper Rock River Watershed to reduce sediment and nutrient loading to Horicon Marsh.
WM should work with county LCD, lake organizations, and conservation organizations to promote and install conservation buffers along all intermittent and perennial streams, wetlands, ponds, and lakes through easements, land acquisitions, and voluntary land owner cooperation.
Restore Wetlands
WM staff should work with public and private partnerships to install and restore wetlands in the watershed for water quality enhancement and to provide flood storage capacity in the watershed.
Dam Safety or Removal
WM staff should, as opportunities arise, work with partners to assist in abandoning and removing dams and restoring the in-stream and near-shore areas as dams are removed.
Aquatic Plant Management Project
WM staff should encourage the use of milfoil weevils and limited use of selective herbicides to control the propagation and spread of Eurasian water milfoil.
Protect Riparian or Shorelands
WM staff should work with local partners to discourage landowners from removing all shoreline vegetation, with the exception of viewing/access areas.
Natural Areas Protection
WM staff should encourage governments, non-profit conservation organizations and landowners to protect the remaining high quality natural areas in the watershed.
Action Migrated from WATERS
Forestry Management (FM) staff should work with local partners to encourage the use of good forest stewardship to maintain healthy forests to help minimize the effects of high populations of insects.
Habitat Restoration - Upland
FM staff should encourage the planting of permanent cover (like trees, shrubs, and grasses) on erodable lands.
Runoff Evaluation
Watershed Management (WM) staff should assess the effect of polluted runoff on the West Branch of the Rock River, the South Branch of the Rock River and their tributaries.
The City of Waupun should consider acquisition of river corridor lands in the watershed using the state Urban Rivers and/or Streambank Protection funds under the state's Stewardship Program.
Stormwater Planning, Implementation
The City of Waupun should continue to implement the stormwater management plan that was developed to improve urban runoff. This should be done to improve water quality and reduce runoff quantity.
TMDL Implementation
Continue work on the Rock River Recovery TMDL Implementation Plan to restore the Upper Rock portions of this impaired basin.
Rivers Management Grant
WM staff should work with the villages and cities in the watershed to apply for funding through the TRM or Urban Nonpoint Pollution grant programs to develop stormwater management plans and install practices that control urban stormwater impacts.