TOWN OF CLOVERLAND: Town of Cloverland Lakes Management Planning Project


The Town of Cloverland is sponsoring an AIS AEPP grant to be completed by December 31, 2011. The project will focus on AIS education, prevention and monitoring and also study and develop lake management plans (LMP's) for 21 lakes within the township. Project activities include: 1) Stakeholder participation - kick-off meeting, stakeholder survey, planning meetings, wrap-up meeting, trainings/workshops (2-CB/CW, AIS, CLMN, native aquatic plants, lake association formation, and 2-aquatic plant sampling methods), brochure/pamphlet, news releases, and newsletter articles; 2) Youth involvement and education; 3) Water quality sampling and analysis (Secchi, P, Chla, DO, temp, N, conductivity, and calcium); 4) Aquatic plant survey (point-intercept (PI)) and community mapping; 5) CLP, fisheries and watershed assessment; 6) CB/CW program and volunteer monitoring; 7) Entry of inspection Forms 3200-120 and monitoring Forms 3200-124 and/or 3200-130 onto Dept website; 8) Develop LMP's. Project deliverables include: 1) Stakeholder survey, brochure/pamphlet, news releases, and newsletter articles; 2) Completed entry of inspection Forms 3200-120 and monitoring Forms 3200-124/3200-130 into Dept website; 3) PI and CLP survey and water quality data; 4)Aquatic plant community and watershed maps; 5) Two sets of aquatic plant vouchers per lake; 6) LMP's. Specific Conditions include: 1) Draft of stakeholder survey should be submitted to Lakes Management Coordinator for review before sending to public; 2) Vouchers should be submitted to Lakes Management Coordinator as soon as possible after aquatic plant survey's; 3) LMP's need Dept review and approval. WDNR Lakes Management Coordinator will be provided with an electronic (pdf or word) and hard copy of LMP's, news releases, newsletter articles, stakeholder survey, brochure/pamphlet, PI, CLP, and water quality data, data from watershed assessment, all maps from project, all GIS data, and a set of aquatic plant vouchers from each lake.

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