SOO LAKE UNITED ASSOC INC: Lac Sault Dore Lake Management Planning Project


The Soo Lake United Property Owners Association will conduct work to complete a Lake Management Plan. This will include pre and post monitoring of the aquatic plant community before and after a draw down, and a plan to evaluate options of Eurasian Water Milfoil (EWM) control and future lake management alternatives. The project includes the following goals: 1) Involve local stakeholders in the planning process; 2) Conduct curly-leaf pondweed survey; 3) Conduct a pre and post point -intercept plant survey (2010-11); 4) Complete native and non-native community mapping; 5) Complete sediment compaction surveys (2010-11); 6) Complete a shoreline assessment; 7) Complete a watershed assessment; 8) Conduct lake water quality monitoring/evaluation; 9) Compile fisheries data information; 10) Evaluation of the draw down; 11) Conduct Dreissena Mussel monitoring; 12) Development of a lake management plan (including EWM control options). Project deliverables include: 1) The final report should include the methodologies and results of the tasks listed above. Management, protection, enhancement alternatives and recommendations should be presented along with continued public education issues. Recommendations for remedial actions and further study options should be included specifically for Soo Lake and its drainage basin. Specific conditions for this Project: 1) The WDNR would like to review a draft of the Lake Management Plan; 2) The WDNR will be provided electronic and hard copies of all data and or reports/plans generated as a result of this project.

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Reports and Documents
Lac Sault Dore (Price County) comprehensive management plan, sponsored by Lac Sault Dore United Association, prepared by Onterra, LLC. Includes photos, maps, graphs, tables, and diagrams. Maps and appendices attached.
Appendices to accompany Lac Sault Dore Comprehensive Management Plan 2013, prepared by Onterra, LLC. Includes public participation materials, stakeholder survey response charts and comments, water quality data, watershed analysis WILMS results, aquatic plant survey data, and aquatic plant strategy of the northern region.
Maps to accompany Lac Sault Dore Comprehensive Management Plan 2013, prepared by Onterra, LLC.
Activities & Recommendations
Lake Management Plan Development
Monitor Water Quality or Sediment
Grant Awarded
Shoreland Monitoring, Assessment, Inventory
Shoreland Monitoring, Assessment or Inventory