Aquatic Invasive Species Contacts - Lake Coordinators - DNR
Waterway and Wetland Program
Please contact the Waterway and Wetland Program if you have questions regarding:
- Riprap, Shoreline disturbance, and Riparian Rights
- Piers, Boat Ramps, and Boat Structures
- Dredging
- Bridges, Culverts over streams, and Water diversion
- Ponds and Wetlands
- Structures (rafts, intake and outflow)
- Weed rakes and Aqua thrusters
Waterway and Wetland Contacts By County
Lake Coordinators - DNR
Brenda Nordin
Fishing and Fish Management
Fisheries Biologists by County
DNR Dams - Water Management Engineer Contacts
Please contact the DNR Dams Program if you have questions regarding dams or dam safety
DNR Dam Contacts By County
DNR Wardens
Please contact a DNR Warden if you have questions regarding:
Potential environmental violations or hazardous spills
Laws in state parks, forests and other DNR-owned lands
Warden Contacts By County