Lake Name:

a lake.

Contact information
For information on Lakes in Wisconsin, contact:
DNR Lake
Division of Water
Bureau of Water Quality
Critical Habitat Contacts

Crooked Lake - Adams County - Critical Habitat Designation

Field work for a critical habitat area study was performed on May 24, 2006, on Deep Lake, Adams County. The designations were assisted by aquatic plant and shoreline assessment data collected in August 2005. Areas were identified visually, with GPS readings and digital photos providing additional information.

Crooked Lake is a mesotrophic/oliogotrophic seepage lake with good to very good water quality and clarity. It has 48 surface acres, with a maximum depth of 56 feet and a mean depth of 14 feet. Crooked Lake is a designated outstanding waterbody with a forested wetland corridor on the western/southwestern part of the lake that extends over 500' inland from the ordinary high water mark of the lake. As in the case in all seepage lakes, the water level on Crooked Lake fluctuates naturally with the underground water table.

Year Started 2006
Map Interactive Map

Final Report and Products