Lake Name:

a lake.

Contact information
For information on Lakes in Wisconsin, contact:
DNR Lake
Division of Water
Bureau of Water Quality
Critical Habitat Contacts

Deep Lake, Adams County - Critical Habitat Designation

Critical Habitat Designation report for Deep Lake, Adams County. Report was based, in part, on aquatic plant study by Reesa Evans in August 2005. DNR staff was involved with actual designations. Deep Lake is a mesotrophic/oliogotrophic seepage lake whose oval-shaped basin features a steeply-sloping littoral zone as well as steeply sloping banks above the water. This lake of 38 surface acres was formed from prehistoric glacier activity and has a maximum depth of about 50 feet with an average depth of 23 feet. It has good to very good water quality and clarity. As is the case with seepage lakes, the water level in Deep Lake fluctuates naturally in keeping with fluctuations in the groundwater table. The only public access is a steep stairway "carry-in". There is no public boat ramp, although in the past, the resort owner on the east end allowed access for a fee. That private ramp is blocked off to the public at the time of writing this report.

Year Started 2005
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Final Report and Products