WINGS OVER WISCONSIN TRI-CNTY: Wetland Invasives Control on the Maunesha River with W.O.W
Wetland Invasives Control on the Maunesha River with W.O.W.Wings Over Wisconsin is sponsoring a project to control phragmites and hybrid cattail in the wetland at the former Vail Farm on the south edge of the Deansville State Wildlife Area along the Maunesha River with the following goals: Control of phragmites and hybridized cattail in the wetland over the next 5 years through mapping, timely spraying and timely biomass burning, following the Eco-Resource Consulting management plan. Project updates will be shared with the W.O.W. membership at their annual banquet. Project deliverables include annual status reports of project progress. In addition to a short description of the work accomplished within a year, the annual status reports will include before and after treatment photos of 4 established sites with the same viewpoint, 2 for each of the 2 species, to demonstrate visibly how the populations are responding to treatment; and a map of survey results. Specific project conditions: Herbicide treatments must be done in a timely manner (every year, during the active growing season), and following current department permit conditions including public notice requirements. These permits would be issued each year. A draft of the final report including maps and all data collected about target plant abundance, in .pdf format, should be submitted for department comment prior to finalization.If consultant is to provide final report, it is recommended that Grantee provide DNR Lake Coordinator with a draft for comment on report adequacy prior to making final payment to the consultant. It is recommended this be submitted 60 days prior to the desired final approval date to give adequate time for adjustments due to the size and complexity of this project. DNR to receive an electronic .pdf copy of the final report along with, or prior to submission of grantee's final payment request.
Project Type
Aquatic Invasives Control
Project ID
Year Started
Final Report and Products